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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of June 4, 2024


As the Phoenix rises up from the ashes, so does our Weekly Recap, as we get you caught up on anything you may have missed from this week. We also found some great content that we thought would be beneficial to our readers and we wanted to share.  Our friends at Software Advice had this great video post on lead scoring and we thought it would be a beneficial read for our audience.  VisionEdge Marketing President Laura Patterson shares her tips for crafting an effective scoring system. In the videos, she outlines how to use “fit” and “behavior” metrics to rate opportunities and how those scores translate to action.  

Below you will find the rest of this week's blogs to read and share with your friends.  

Friday, June 8, 2024

Elizabeth takes unique look at inside sales with an Inside Sales Reps Zombie Survival Guide, offering three tips that should be helpful in passing more qualified opportunities as well as fending off any unwanted Zombie predators.  Elizabeth explains how you should set up your day, focusing on getting some early morning dials in before the workday/feeding frenzy has begun.  Keep you emails and voicemails short and to the point and don’t procrastinate setting a meeting time, get it done within a two week timeframe.   

Thursday, June 7, 2024

Paul wanted to take a moment and shine the light on a subject that is near and dear to most of us: Cancer Sucks So Let’s Do Something About It.  This past week, AG Salesworks and the employees donated their time at the end of Wednesday to dial for donations that would benefit the Pan-Mass Challenge and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.  We were able to raise almost $10,000 thanks to the help of Trish Bertuzzi with The Bridge Group and HubSpot

Tuesday, June 5, 2024

This week, Craig relives a conversation he had over the Memorial Day holiday with his father in which they discussed One Simple Sales Tip that gets overlooked by many sales representatives.  Craig’s father was a Credit Officer in the Lumber industry, a role that did not endear him to many prospects since he dictated whether or not the potential prospect was a credit risk and worth doing business with.  He was able to overcome this barrier by doing one thing:  he got the prospects to talk about what they know best, themselves.  

Monday, June 4, 2024

In Laney’s blog 3 Tips for Going Above & Beyond Your June Sales Quota she draws on her recent wedding planning experience to discuss the importance of working as hard the first two weeks of the month as you do the last two weeks of the month.  Procrastination can set in easily for any inside sales rep who just exhausted all of their energy to achieve last month’s qotas, only to have the calendar turn and need to do it all over again.  Laney gives three great tips for reps to follow in order to achieve their goal well before the last few days of the month. 

Thanks for reading and sharing!  We hope you enjoy your weekend and we look forward to speaking more next week!


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