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5 Tips For Inside Sales Managers Who Have Trouble With Conflict


The hardest transition I've found when moving into a manager role is the change in relationship between you and former colleagues that you've once worked with. This changeover generally tends to be the biggest challenge for most new inside sales managers, whether they're responsible for training the inside sales team or for managing the managers.

Are You Afraid of Conflict With Your Inside Sales Reps?

Conflict Inside Sales

I would like to think of myself as approachable both as an employee and as a manager. Every boss would like to think they demonstrate that trait, but from what I've seen, that may not always be the case. Unfortunately, many managers want to believe they're approachable, but their outward demeanor shows something else. These are generally the bosses who never seem to have their finger on the pulse of their people. As a result when something unexpected happens, they're shocked. Because they feel out of touch, they lash out rather than getting to the core of the issue. 

5 Things I've Learned from Successful Inside Sales Managers

Inside Sales Managers

Over the years I’ve seen some common themes from my most successful mentors. Every day, they realized they had to check their ego at the door. We’re in this together and getting things done is NOT a one-man job. It’s a collective effort each and every day.

The Telephone Should Not Be the Black Sheep of Your Sales Strategy

Black Sheep
If you're in a sales or marketing role, I'm sure you hear about inbound sales and marketing a lot. Out with the old and in with the new; after all, all the cool kids are doing it. Inbound marketing certainly works and metrics prove that it does drive results. However, do you close every sale via email or a social channel?

So many sites and thought leaders are speaking abound inbound sales and marketing tactics and the importance of social media. It's been proven that the methodology works and increases your company's bottom line value. Yay, we can all go home now... Just kidding! Inbound methodology works, but let's face it - at some point you need to pick up the phone and have a quality conversation regarding a prospect's challenges and how your solution can help. Everyone talks about inbound sales and marketing and social selling, but please tell me how you can close sales and increase revenue by doing just inbound without effectively communicating on the phone?

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