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Are You Getting the Most Out of Your "Comfortable" Inside Sales Reps?


I've always prided myself on creating the best culture I possibly can for my inside sales team. The last thing I want is for people to trudge into the office on Monday morning with a look of dread in their eyes, feeling like they have a full week of misery ahead of them. Keeping a good company culture is also partially selfish for me, because I don't want to spend 40 hours a week with miserable people who drain the life out of me. 

Inside Sales Training: How Invested Should We Be in Human Interaction?


Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from David Brock, sales consultant and President at Partners in EXCELLENCE, where this post was originally published. 

Annually, billions are invested in sales skills training.  On top of that, millions are spent on books on sales techniques, thousands of articles are written.

People are constantly looking for an edge, “What are the ways I can get by the gatekeepers?”  “How do I craft an opening sentence that captures the prospect’s attention and gets me a meeting?” “What’s the best way to handle the objection?”  “How do I close the customers?”

10 Inside Sales Lessons Learned Over 10 Years at AG Salesworks

Craig Ferrara 3

Last week was my 10-year anniversary at AG. At times, 10 years seems like eons ago, but honestly most of the time it truly feels as if time has flown by. During this period, I bought a condo, got married, had a child (who is now 7), sold a condo, and bought a house... all while watching AG grow from an 8-person shop to the 60 folks we are today. 

Are You Too Accommodating As An Inside Sales Manager?

Inside Sales Manager

About a month ago, I talked about the challenges I've faced when managing conflict and I offered a couple of ways to address these obstacles that I’ve learned over the years. Since then, I've really made a point to consider alternatives to proactively manage conflict.

However, maybe “conflict” doesn’t have to be such a dirty word. It’s all in the tone with which we choose to approach a potentially contentious situation.  Being assertive doesn't have to be ugly if we come at it from the right angle.

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