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Inside Sales Rep’s Zombie Survival Guide


All the recent news and hysteria about the onset of the zombie apocalypse has gotten the country whipped into a frenzy. With the plethora of zombie survival merchandise available, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle (pun intended). Since inside sales reps aren’t necessarily known for their physical prowess, it’s important for those of us in the field to have a strategy, both for our own survival and more importantly, to make sure we pass our prospects before they join the armies of the undead. But never fear, for I have compiled a list of tips to help us all survive the oncoming apocalypse. I present to you, the Inside Sales Rep’s Zombie Survival Guide.Inside Sales Tips, Zombie 6 8 Elizabeth

Take advantage of the morning- Zombies prefer to travel at night and are most dangerous after dark, so get your prospecting done first thing in the morning. Pre-apocalypse, executives were more likely to be at their desks in the early morning, but now they’re more likely to be sorting provisions or restocking their anti-zombie arsenal. It’s the perfect time for a 5-minute call to learn about their pains and needs.

Keep it short and sweet- It’s hard to know which offices have been compromised by the zombie horde, so it’s safe to assume that everyone’s going to be using mobile devices exclusively, and with limited battery power. Keep your voicemails short and to the point, and keep your emails brief. It’s hard enough to run and read at the same time without forcing your prospects to scroll through your email. They’ll appreciate your consideration of their busy schedules and will be more likely to call you back once they’re in a safe house.

Get it scheduled- With these uncertain times, who know where any of us will be in a month. After speaking to a prospect, it’s best to schedule the introductory call or demo within a week or two. The information will still be fresh in his or her mind, and they’ll still be thinking about the pains and needs you identify. It’s also nice to give a friendly reminder call or email first thing in the morning, just in case your prospect has been pulled into a surprise showdown.

Hopefully these tips will help you stay a step ahead of the competition, and keep you from losing opportunities due to your prospects being mercilessly eaten by hordes of the undead. Stay organized and to the point, and you’ll get through this apocalypse just fine. And if all else fails, just remember my cardinal rule of escaping ravenous zombies: you don’t have to be the fastest, you just have to not be the slowest.


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