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3 Tips For Teleprospecting During The Holiday Season


Sales Prospecting Perspectives in pleased to bring you another guest post from one of our newer BDRs, Kim Staib.

This holiday season brings more than just slashed prices on TV’s and parents scrambling for “Tickle Me Elmos” (do they even still exist?).  What it also grants us workin’ folks are a few shortened weeks.  Now I love the holiday season as much as the next person but from an inside sales perspective it means that due to days off we have less time to reach our goals.  Since this is my first November/December here at AG I sought out advice from some of the directors and managers as to how to prepare for these shorter months.  Here are a few different potential strategies they suggested:teleprospecting during the holiday season

  1. Reexamine your pipeline:  A great way to find a few quick hit opportunities is to sort your lists by lead status and pull some of those nurture or interested accounts.   If you had a prospects that asked you to follow up after January 1st see if you can compel them to take a call now.
  2. Send targeted emails to some “No Contacts:” If you have been on a project for at least a few months chances are you have acquired a number of different lists.  Newer lists will usually take favor for dialing as they come in but maybe take this time go back to one of those older lists and hit it with a quick targeted email.  You may just get enough interest to get you through the month.
  3. Alter your call plan: One thing that there is general agreement on when it comes to our call plan is that sending evites gets a prospects attention.  Knowing a lot of people take vacations around the holidays it may be beneficial to try and pack those first two weeks of December full of evites.  Making mention to the fact that you just want to connect for 3-5 minutes before all the hustle and bustle that comes with the holidays can make a prospect more likely to take a call.   

There you have it just a couple of tips to make the most of these shortened months.  How do you approach this? Feel free to share your suggestions.


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