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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of March 28th


Happy Friday Everyone!

We had some great blogs this week that I'm going to be recapping, as always I'd like to highlight one that I found this week.

I think we can all agree that being original in your messaging is something that we all should be doing. But as Paul states in his blog, "Attack of the Template Brigade!" sometimes we do it without even realizing it. So it's important to go over your day to day messaging and make sure you aren't spewing the same go to speech, email or even voicemail. Take a look at his blog and see what his thoughts were when he witnessed someone falling into that trap. 

Monday March 28th

Getting Top Performers To Still Follow Your Inside Sales Processes - Laney Pilpel brings up a great point. What do you do with your top performers that refuse to follow your sales processes? On one hand their producing, but on the other is that fair to those that are following the proper process? Here she discusses just how to over come that.

"If someone is performing really well, it’s hard to tell them to change their ways.  In fact, it will just cause them to resent you if you tell them to stop doing what is working well for them. At the same time, I think what comes first is the fact that everyone else on the team has to follow the process, so you can’t make any exceptions."

Tuesday March 29th 

Tracking The Effectiveness Of Your Inside Sales Reps - Craig Ferrara discusses couple different ways on how you can effectively view the success of your Inside Sales Reps. 

"Most people use lead volume as the primary way to ultimately evaluate the effectiveness of inside rep. What we have to take into consideration is that there are a variety of factors that can have an impact on your inside sales reps' success or failure."

Wednesday March 4th

Tips For Managers Managing Inside Sales Teams - Jill Ryan put together a great piece pointing out some great tips on what she does to ensure that her team is equipped with everything they need to become successful.

"At the end of the day, client satisfaction and retention is dependent on the success of your inside team, which is what I am here to ensure. How I balance my time and dedicate it to each of these programs is crucial to everyone’s success." 

Thursday March 31st

Bad Attitudes Equal Bad Results - Chris Lang made some great observations when it comes to overall attitude in an inside sales rep and how it can effect your success both positively and negatively in meeting your goals. 

"I have seen telemarketing reps hit all of their numbers in terms of calls, connect rates, conversation rates and still not hit their lead number. Conversely, I have seen reps under performing on all of the same key metrics, yet they are killing it when it comes to the forecast they deliver. I would argue that having the right attitude is the most important aspect in telemarketing. I’m not saying you can do it without hard work and other things, but if the attitude isn’t there, the results won’t be."

Well I hope you liked the blogs this week! We'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment and tell us what you think!


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