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#ProspectingChat: Experiences Outsourcing Inside Sales Functions


It's time for another #ProspectingChat over at AG Saleswork's Twitter account. As well as sharing many insights from sales and marketing thought leaders throughout the day, we will also be hosting a Twitter chat at 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST.

4 Big Questions to Ask When Outsourcing Inside Sales Teleprospecting

Outsourcing Teleprospecting Inside Sales

The decision to outsource part of your sales team - whether you're revamping an insourced team or whether you don't have on insourced team - can be a very tough one to make. What are the most crucial factors to look for in an outsourced teleprospecting team? Most people's answer would be: cost. While cost of service is a very important factor when considering an inside sales teleprospecting partner, there are numerous other questions to ask to determine whether the company you're researching is well-run, successful, and most important, trustworthy. In a discovery call about that company, ask these 4 questions to get a real feel for the way they conduct their business. These questions and more are featured in our new guide, "Your Lead Generation Home Away From Home: How Outsourcing Teleprospecting and Inside Sales Functions Can Augment Your Tech Company's Revenue."

The Rules of Inbound Marketing Rewritten for Outbound Marketers

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Lisa Fugere, Content Marketing Strategist at Radius Intelligence a company that offers sales prospecting software powered by big data. You can find her on !

I cut my teeth in the B2B marketing world at a company that generates leads entirely through events and inbound marketing. With the naiveté of an English major who could recite every scene from Jane Eyre quicker than she could describe a lead list, I believed that inbound marketing was going to completely eclipse outbound marketing in a matter of years. Who would ever buy a list of leads when they could just wait for their customers to come to them? I thought.

Hey Inside Sales Pros, It's Back: The Outbound Index Issue #2

Outbound Teleprospecting Index Issue

Holy hell.  I’m exhausted.  What a year so far.  I had a feeling things were cranking along in the land of Outbound, but it wasn’t until my good friend and “Math Guy” Matt Bertuzzi sent me the first draft of the mid year Outbound Index that I truly understood just how fast things had accelerated.  

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of June 21, 2023

Sales Prospecting Perspectives

It’s been a busy week for everyone at AG Salesworks, but Peter Gracey especially. Our president participated in the largest inside sales summit in history, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, on June 20 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pacific Time. He was accompanied by an all-star roster of sales professionals and authors who offered advice to grow your company’s revenue. Pete Gracey spoke about how to measure outbound success. To view this event on demand, register for free here.

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