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Hey Inside Sales Pros, It's Back: The Outbound Index Issue #2


Holy hell.  I’m exhausted.  What a year so far.  I had a feeling things were cranking along in the land of Outbound, but it wasn’t until my good friend and “Math Guy” Matt Bertuzzi sent me the first draft of the mid year Outbound Index that I truly understood just how fast things had accelerated.  

Outbound Teleprospecting Index Issue Here at AG, Outbounding is our livelihood.  When you have 70+ people all in one office trying to generate fully qualified sales leads via the phone and email it creates a buzz.  A vibe if you will.  If you walk the halls of our office you can hear it and feel it.  For years, before we synced up with Matt and the Bridge Group, the Outbound Index was a gut feeling.  We’d walk the halls, look at our output, attrition rates, and basic KPI’s and sit down every six months and say one of the three following things..

1.  “Wow, that was awesome.  I’m going to buy a Ferrari”
2.  “Hey, not too bad.  Paid the mortgage again”
3.  “That “bleeping” sucked, what the hell happened, I just had to sell one of my kids!!”

Now, thanks to Matt’s brain and AG’s cohort of the worlds greatest BDR’s we not only have a number to more politely describe the state of Outbounding, but we’ve been tracking it for long enough to allow us to start taking our best stab at predicting Index(s) to come.  

As always, The Outbound Index is here for two reasons.  To provide a benchmark for your own outbound efforts and to challenge you to figure your own index out.  

So, have at it, download it HERE…..Outbounding is on fire.  It’s Ferrari time!


*(please don’t actually lease or purchase a luxury vehicle because The Outbound Index is up 35% year over year)


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