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I’m 25 And I’m Offended!

Social Media, Age Appropriate Managers, 8 23 Liz

As a 25 year old that has involvement in my company’s social media campaigns, I wanted to hop on the bandwagon of replies against Hollis Thomases and her article, “11 Reasons a 23-Year-Old Shouldn’t Run Your Social Media” and offer some reasons why I feel 20+ year olds should manage your social media platforms.

How To Take A Picture In Teleprospecting

Photography Tips, Inside Sales, Teleprospecting

I take a lot of pictures, mostly of my dog, but regardless, a lot of pictures. I also make a lot of phone calls. You may think the two don’t have much in common, but alas, they do. Setting up a picture and setting up a teleprospecting call are very similar.

Corporate Culture: To Facebook Or Not To Facebook

Facebook, Marketing, Social Media 6 22 Liz

Yes, I go on Facebook at work. But it’s not what you think, well most of the time. I have a hand in managing our Company’s Facebook page, and while I know there are a lot of nay-sayers out there that lament that social media has little effect on a company’s actual success, I am here to tell you nay-sayers that you are wrong!

What Teleprospecting Means To Me


Every year on Memorial Day weekend it's tradition for my family to go to the town parade and every year it concludes with the top three elementary school winners reading their “What Memorial Day Means to Me” essays.  Most of them reveal that it's not just the candy and cookouts that make Memorial Day special to them.  With this event fast approaching, I’ve figured out what Memorial Day means to me, so what does teleprospecting mean to me?  Something that is very much a work in progress… so here goes!

So Here's My Number Mrs. Prospect, Call Me Maybe?

4 27 Liz

On my traffic jam drive home last week, I was shamelessly singing along to the wildly popular song, “Call Me Maybe?”, and a light bulb (maybe it was brake light) went off. I literally leave prospects my phone number anywhere from 50 – 100 times a day, and how many of those people get back to me; an embarrassingly small percentage. Outside of work, your phone number is regarded as a precious commodity and here I am doling it out left and right with very little success. So I made it my mission to further investigate the art of leaving a voicemail. What is it that gets people to call you back?

Services vs. Solutions – Tips For Your Inside Sales Reps

Liz Wilson

Sales Prospecting Perspectives in pleased to bring you a guest post from one of our newer BDRs, Liz Wilson

While a majority of my colleagues at AG Salesworks teleprospect on behalf of companies in the IT Industry, I have the pleasure of calling for a company that provides Legal Services. While many of the strategies used for calling into IT companies parallel those of the Service Industry, there are some distinctions as well.

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