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Inside Sales Managers: Are You Like Your Best Boss?


Being the best boss to your inside sales teamDo you ever ask yourself the question: “What characteristics would my team use to describe me as a boss?” If you haven’t, it’s a really great question to ask yourself if you manage a team. Last week I had the privilege of attending a leadership training program where I learned a lot about being a better boss. It’s only been the first session of 7, and I can already tell it will be time well spent.

One of the exercises my colleagues and I completed was to think about the best boss we ever had, and then write down the characteristics that he or she possessed. After we each wrote down a handful of characteristics, we shared them with the group. Some of the responses that were shared were really eye opening to me, and it’s already had an impact on how I interact with my team.

I wanted to share a list of what our team came up with. Maybe it will help you through some self reflection too. Ask yourself, do I possess these traits and if not, is it time for me to make some changes? Here were the top characteristics that made our list:

  1. Direct
  2. Empowering
  3. Smart
  4. Strategic
  5. Consistent
  6. Communicative
  7. Led by Example
  8. Demanding
  9. Innovative
  10. Coach
  11. Set Clear Expectations
  12. Predictable
  13. Honest
  14. Supportive
  15. Trusting

    Being predictable and consistent really hit home for me. Sometimes I feel like we all have off days and it’s not always easy to keep the same, consistent face for your team on days where you just aren’t feeling like yourself. With that said, it is so crucial for your team to be able to go to you and rely on you to be predictable in your reaction and to not be scared about how you will react to their questions. I would never want them to feel that way, and I think that is why I took so much from it. When it comes to managing, particularly an inside sales team, being predictable is a very good thing!

    One of the action items that came from Friday’s session was to survey our direct reports anonymously about how we are doing as a manager. Nothing fancy, just through a free hand survey or through a free online survey tool where everyone submits answers anonymously. It is a great way to solicit honest feedback and a great way to focus on how to be a better boss. What would you add to the list when it comes to characteristics describing your best boss? 


    Inside Sales Management Success Kit



    Sales Prospecting Perspectives


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