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Inside Sales Management Success: Making Time For Fun


It has long been our philosophy at AG Salesworks to create an enjoyable work environment.  We have done a great job, and continue to work toward finding ways to enjoy ourselves while striving for excellence. 

AG Salesworks at Fenway Park

Yesterday was our first of what will be a monthly company event.  Given the fact that we crushed our customer’s goals last month, we decided to treat the entire team to a Red Sox game.  We got our work done and cut out a little early to spend what turned out to be a beautiful evening at Fenway Park.  It was a perfect 73 degrees and sunny, and best of all the Sox won!  The plan is to continue to kill it for our customers, and in doing so earn some fun time.  We have several events on the calendar including a rooftop clambake in Boston, a tour of Sam Adams brewery, a beach party, and whatever else the team votes on. 

I always enjoy socializing with the team, and getting to know them on a more personal level.  I learned more about the team in one afternoon socializing than I would in weeks or longer in our normal working environment.  There's a big difference between working with and working for someone.  I always make it a point to introduce people as working with me, versus for me. Language makes a difference, it affects the way we think and interact with others. 

It’s what I believe, and I have seen first-hand that the AG machine works exponentially better when everyone pulls in the same direction toward a common goal.

Investing in people is not only smart business, its fun.  I love the people I work with, they are bright, creative, hardworking individuals who are motivated to succeed.  Who wouldn't want to socialize with a team like that?  The more I know about our team the more I am able to help them reach their goals both personally and professionally.  I think we all would agree, team members that are happy and fulfilled professionally tend to produce better work. 

Talk about a win win.  The customer gets great results, the team member reaches their goal while enjoying the process, and AG continues to provide great value to the marketplace.

So, set a goal with a payoff in fun for the entire team.  My guess is it might be the best investment you have made in a long time.

Thanks for reading.


Sales Prospecting Success Kit


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