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A Good Day For Reflection


In the wake of recent events, we have again been reminded of the fact that evil exists.  As a Father and husband, my heart breaks for the mother who woke today having her family shattered beyond comprehension at the hands of unspeakable evil.  As I reflect and mourn for the innocent children and families who started the day with great excitement and happiness, only to have the darkness of evil enter their lives in the most disturbing way, I see the bright side of humanity as well.  The heros, from the first responders to the volunteers, to the bystanders who came to the aid of those in need speaks to the basic human desire to help and love others.Reflection, Boston, 4 16 Paul

Good wins over evil every time.  

I hope we can all put aside our differences and come together as Americans to fight evil with good.  My plan is to love my family and neighbors a little more, to help my co workers a little more, to believe in good a little more.

I would challenge business leaders to lead by lifting up those around them versus doing whatever is necessary to maximize profit.  Lead with the example of doing good for the sake of doing good.

If everyone reading this blog reaches out to one person with a kind word or a helpful hand, hundreds of lives will be effected in a positive way.  If you and each of those people do the same tomorrow and the day after and the day after that just imagine.  Thousands and thousands of lives will be affected in a positive way over time.

In memory of those who are not as fortunate as us today, let us commit to reaching out with a kind word or action today and everyday to help good grow.  Let us do what we can to make today a little better for just one person.  By doing this we take just a little power away from those that would bring evil into the world.

Love wins over evil every time.


**If you are looking for a way to help, here is a link for donatations and support for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing


Paul-Excellent post. I feel this is the only real way of really getting rid of evil actions in the world, by doing more good. I will take up your challenge of altruism and try my best to be more kind and to help cultivate good around me. Thanks again for the words of wisdom, I am better because of them.
Posted @ Tuesday, April 16, 2024 3:53 PM by Josh Krogue
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