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Top Down & Bottoms Up: The Collective Attitude Of A Sales Company


Sales can be the genetic makeup of a company’s entire existence or it can be one operational department of a collective whole containing different parts and functions.  It doesn’t matter because at the core within that unique framework resides human beings.  We walk, we talk, we have opinions and mood swings and some people keep their thoughts and ideas trapped where as others are very forthcoming.  Each new day we have encounters with fellow colleagues of all different rank and file and the environment that results from our interactions and personalities is what equates to your ‘corporate culture’.Corporate Culture, Sales Motivation, 2 13 Ricca

Don’t think for a second that this so-called culture doesn’t impact employee performance, especially in the “What have you done for me lately” sales industry we work within.  This industry is filled with more than capable adults, no doubt, and I’m not suggesting we holds hands and pass out lollipops but rather some recognition that each individual can both positively or negatively influence what’s inside the walls of their company.

I’m sure there are plenty of furniture and interior designers who specialize in optimizing corporate culture so, sure, go ahead and turn the place into some hip establishment better staged in Soho.  All I’m saying is never ignore the human element of your organization.  Personalities are stronger than painted walls.  I think overall in the industry, with it being so fast paced, we’re readily armed to hand out criticism and proactively reprimand people for NOT doing things the ‘right’ way that we lose sight of the need to pass along accolades or provide moral support if someone is working their tail off but doesn’t have the great numbers to back it up.

I don’t have any magical answers solely because I try to focus on my own behavior and keep it as positive and vibrant as humanly possible, even if I feel like smashing my keyboard or taking a nap under my desk.  But that’s what I believe it comes down to, realizing that you contain the means to positively affect others around you and lifting people up if you sense their attitude has changed.    I’m guilty of falling towards negativity and frustration, but I find it to be nothing but an exhausting waste of emotion, so I try and squash it as soon as I give it recognition.   Between 8 to 10 hours, Monday through Friday, we work within these same walls, so why agonize over the things that bother and stress us out, but rather build towards something we can all be proud of and make some money while doing it.

No moral of the story, all I ask is that you observe your own behavior and figure out what you can do to make things better. 


inside sales management, success kit


sales blogs, prospecting perspectives


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