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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of January 21, 2024


We had a shortened work week due to the holiday on Monday, but we were still able to get in a few great posts that I'll recap for you in a minute. First, as most of you are aware, I have a post to share with you that I read this week. In December, I had stumbled upon (bad pun intended!) a Social Media Management company called Squirrel Social, based here in the New England area. I really enjoyed their content and I have become a consistent reader of their blogs. Jared Lamorte wrote a great piece this week that I wanted to share entitled Are Your Followers "Muting" You? 5 Ways to Ensure Your Posts Are Seen & Shared on Twitter! The reason I wanted to share this is because Jared's five tips are extremely usualful for those who may be starting out on Twitter and a great reminder for those who have more experience on the social site. As Twitter becomes the new must have tool for sales and marketing professionals (right along with phone number and email), following Jared's five rules will be a great way to guide your twitter activity. You'll need to read the post for more detail on the five, but these are what Jared has listed: Stop Spamming, Engage more than Curate, Post Less, Share followers content and the last one, Thank your followers. I encourage everyone to check out their site and their blog. Sales Blog, Social Media, Teleprospecting

Now on to this weeks recap. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2024  

We started the week off with a post from one of our Senior Business Development reps, Elizabeth Guerra, who provided some great insight into voicemail strategies. Recalling on her own experiences in prospecting, Elizabeth offered five general tips for sales professionals to leave better voicemails. Understanding the basics of sounding calm and confident on the phone was Elizabeth's first recommendation. Keeping your tone conversational was her next suggestion, followed by losing the script. Elizabeth also recommends losing the sales lingo, stating that sounding like an informercial is no way to get responses back. Her final recommendation is to keep your voicemail concise and short. Some great tips and a great read from Elizabeth.

Thursday, January 24, 2024  

Craig Ferrera provided our second post of the week, discussing what your teleprospecting campaigns should be producing for marketing other than qualified opportunities. In his post 7 Pieces of Intel Teleprospecting Campaigns Expose For Marketing Craig discusses some of the market intelligence pieces that can be revealed through teleprospecting. Responsiveness to your messaging and how well your product fits into the marketplace are two areas that can be uncovered rather quickly and easily through your calling efforts, as well as your target titles and feedback on collateral (what resonates?). But it is also important to know why potential prospects are refusing to move down the sales pipeline and how many outbound activities it takes for your team to uncover the opportunities they do find. The final revelation should come from your events; the best way to show ROI is to use your teleprospecting teams to both drive attendance and follow up on the event thoroughly.  

Friday, January 25, 2024   

This morning I posted on Social Media and some of the trends I've been bothered by recently. Basically, we could call it my "vent session" regarding Social Media and some of the practices I am noticing. It seems to me that these new outlets has created a great excuse for sales and marketing professionals to become lazy. Some of the social sites have become extremely spammy (?) while some users have become extremely aggressive with their sales pitch. It's a very quick read, only a few paragraphs, so if you have a second, check out my "vent session" in Social Media in 2013: Great, Another Year Of This Crap!

Thanks for reading and we'll write some more stuff for you next week!


sales blogs, prospecting perspectives


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