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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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The 12 Days of Prospecting


To keep with the spirit of the holidays, I wanted to provide a light look into some of the things inside sales reps may see within the first two weeks (or 12 days) of a prospecting campaign. Now, I will try to write this in keeping with the original tune, so when reading, be thinking of partridge’s in a pear tree and drummer's drumming.Prospecting, Inside Sales

On the first day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….a list of 5,000 contacts

On the second day of prospecting my campaign gave to me…2 mass email scripts

On the third day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….3 mass emails scheduled

On the fourth day of prospecting my campaign gave to me…. 4 edited voicemails

On the fifth day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….5 mass email replies

On the sixth day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….6 interested opps

On the seventh day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….7 referrals to the right contacts

On the eighth day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….8 admin convo’s

On the ninth day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….9 responses from prospects

On the tenth day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….10 unsubscriber’s

On the eleventh day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….11 evites accepted

On the twelfth day of prospecting my campaign gave to me….12 quality conversations

Happy Holidays and Happy Prospecting!


Sales Prospecting, Inside Sales


Sales Blogs, Prospecting Perspectives


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