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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of September 3, 2023


You know fall has arrived when the soccer fields are packed on Saturdays and the pigskins are being tossed around.  Football is back, and school has started.  If you are anything like me, this is one of your favorite times of the year.  We have made it through all the summer vacations and family visits, and most everyone is back to work, falling into the same routine we had four months ago. September is historically a stronger month for lead generation, so it's time to get your reps pounding the phones and finding those opportunities.  If you have some concerns with your inside team, now's the time to get everyone back on the right track.Weekly Recap, 9 10

Before I recap last weeks blogs, I wanted to share an article I read last week regarding keywords to use in Social Media that will get some activity on your posts.  Social Media Magic, voted one of the best Social Media services by Mashable, had a great post entitled 10 High Impact Words That Prompt Response in Social Media.  Some of the words on the list you may expect like free, now, or help.  A few of the other words that I thought could be extremely useful were teach, inspire, motivate, discover, and share.  Take a look at the article and try to incorporate some of the words in your blog titles, twitter posts, call to actions and so on.  See if it can help you get some more traction and engagement as you venture further into the realm of Social Media.

Now on to our recap:    

Tuesday, September 4, 2023   

Mike Ricciardelli had a great post on Tuesday in which he discusses the many benefits of having a CRM in place for your organization.  In his post Why You Need To Demand A CRM, Mike discusses his early sales roles in which there was no CRM in place and compares those experiences with the film Boiler Room.  It is highly unlikely your sales team is organized enought to keep track of every prospect, the timing of call backs, and conversation notes on prospects.  Though they are a larger budget line item, CRM's give you the ability to run analytics and reports for your clients or sales teams and track performance based on outbound dials/emails, interested pipeline and passed opportunities. The social features on CRM's keep everyone in your organization on the same page and the features can be used to communicate rep achievements and major organizational announcements.  If your company has been delaying bringing in a CRM, now is the time to make that push and get one in place.

Wednesday, September 5, 2023

Kaylan Delorey had another good post that focused on getting your reps to always try harder and gave some insight into what it takes when calling into the Insurace industry.  In her post, Motivate Yourself To Try Harder Now!, Kaylan states that if you ask yourself "what am I doing wrong" and you can't think of a response, then you are probably not trying hard enough. Calling into some of the larger Insurance companies, Kaylan has learned how difficult, and rewarding teleprospecting can be.  Understanding your industry, discovering the best ways to navigate through larger organizations, and being able to communicate your value proposition to the appropriate contacts are skills that can be beneficial in any business development role.  She offers three traits that should be found in your reps that will lead to success- diligence, persistence, and reverence.  The combination of these 3 things, in conjunction with a business development employee whose always trying to find new ways to put more effort into their work, is a recipe for success.

Friday, September 7, 2023

Our CEO and Co-Founder Paul Alves finished off our week discussing the topic of being one of the "nice guys" in sales.  In Being Nice Pays In Sales, Paul explains that people will usually fall into one of two categories; nice and not so nice.  He recalls some of his past experiences and run-ins with some not so nice clients and other sales professionals.  He recounts having to fire a client because of the way this client interacted with his team and discusses the benefits to having a happy team and how they far outweigh working with a client that didn't show respect. "The team just does not like working with you, and quite frankly my teams happiness is more important than a few more dollars in revenue." Paul has run his organization with the philisophy of seeking relationships and partnerships where there is a mutual respect for one another.  The 80/20 rule was applied, where 80% of the headaches were caused by 20% of the clients, and by removing that 20% created a much healthier work environment and actually added to the organizations bottom line.

Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this weeks recap.  Enjoy the work week and we'll see you on the soccer pitch or tossing the ball around.  Until next week!







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