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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of August 6, 2023


We had a really great week this past week, including some really insightful blog posts, which I'll recap for you shortly.  First I wanted to highlight a really great post I read this week and thought it was worth sharing. 

Dan Baum wrote a great article on Lead Generation and revealed 13 Mind-Blowing Lead Generation Statistics.  Dan provides some great, and in some cases eye opening statistics regarding lead generation.  He touches on Social Media, Email Marketing, and Blogs as some of the main ways to increase your lead generation efforts and if you haven't incorporated these into your strategies yet, maybe some of these statistics will entice you to do so immediately. My favorite statistic out of the 13: 1. Inbound Leads cost 61% less than Outbound Leads! (source: HubSpot). 

Now, on to our recap of the week. 

Monday, August 6, 2023

Colleen gave us a great post on Monday regarding 5 social sites that your organization should be using and how to utilize these sites effectively.  In her post Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter Oh My! and Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter Oh My! Part II, Colleen reveals how Facebook, Tumblr, Linkedin, Reddit, and Twitter should be used in conjunction with one another and how you need to reserve certain content for certain sites. This was such a great post that I split it into two parts (in case you couldn't tell by the Part II after the second link).  Part I reveals how to use Linkedin and Facebook, with the second part dealing with Tumblr, Reddit, and Twitter.  I'm sure most of you are familiar with a couple of these sites and if you are not familiar with Tumblr and Reddit, I highly recommend reading this post and then checking out the sites.  There are some great features of both that other social sites don't contain. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2023

We had a great post today from Director of Client Operations Matt Fitts on a very hot topic right now in the industry: 'Big Data'.  Data in general is being talked about from all angles: the cloud, social media, and of course marketing data.  In his post Providing 'Big Data' To Your Clients, Matt continues his discussion of "informationalization" and how you can provide a greater value to your client with additional data and information.  "The importance of evaluating just what your product or service is delivering to your clients is critical regardless of your offering, your marketplace, or your audience."

Wednesday, August 8, 2023     

Paul had recently returned from a  two week family vacation touring some of the larger cities on the East Coast.  He talks about the concerns that accompanies being away from the office.  In his post Success Is Working Yourself Out Of A Job, Paul discusses how he has viewed his role as CEO as a coach who, along with his partner, bring in bright people to a great process and provide the strategic direction when needed.  Nothing can illustrate that more than coming back from two weeks out and finding that operations and sales are exceeding expectations in your absence.  

Thursday, August 9, 2023


Katherine had a great blog discussing an article she recently read on that provided some tips to increase sales.  She picked out two that really stood out and discussed them in her post Selling It's What You Do!.  The first point that stood out to Katherine was to "think of your product as a verb".  Using the analogy of glue versus gluing, when you are selling as a noun, you are concentrating on the feature and functions of your product.  When you look at your product as a verb, or gluing, you concentrate more on where your product can fit into their business and environment.  With the secont tip, "listen more than you talk", Katherine discusses not having your reps speaking to prospects and only focusing on what the products features.  By asking more questions about your prospects environment and needs, reps will know what features to spend more time discussing with the prospects as you advance the sale in your pipeline.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Part II from Monday's post, you can see it here.


We'll see you next week!


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