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It's A Beautiful Day In The Office


Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from one of our BDR's, Colleen MacNeil. 

A friend of mine, who I’ve always thought to be an exceptional communicator, recently shared one of his secrets of rhetoric with me.  During his many years as a public speaker, he has taken tips from someone he considers a great communicator, Mr. Fred Rogers.  He shared an article with me by Gloria Thomas on the “15 Principles of Communication Mr. Rogers Taught by Example.”  While reading Gloria’s article, which explains how Mr. Rogers’ “simple and deliberate” way of speaking connected him with his audience, I couldn't help but relate these principles to my job in sales.  So, take off your jacket, put on your sneakers and zip up your sweater (then zip it down a little) and read on for a few ways Mr. Rogers can help you be more effective in sales.Communication, Inside Sales, Teleprospecting

Patience: Mr. Rogers was never rushed in his speaking and he never rushed the person he was speaking with.  He always listened patiently, allowing his guests to feel like they could speak freely. Don’t rush through a list of questions with your prospect, start a conversation and focus on listening more than you speak.   If you are patient with your prospects, they will feel more comfortable speaking with you, allowing you to gain more from the conversation.

Persistence: Mr. Rogers frequently used repetition to convey important messages to his audience. “Persistence reduces the chances for confusion.”  When speaking with a prospect, repeat the important aspects of your service throughout your sales pitch to make sure significant details aren’t being overlooked. Gloria mentions that Mr. Rogers used “every available means to communicate his messages.”  How are you communicating your message to your prospects? Don’t rely on only one method of communication, use all available means of communication.  Follow up your voicemails with an email, send an evite to set aside time on your prospects’ calendar, try connecting on Linkedin, Twitter etc...

Honesty: In her article Gloria says that “mistrust is one of the biggest enemies of connection and the typical reaction to someone who seems untrustworthy is to stop communication with them.”  Always be honest with your prospects, they will sense your honesty and be more open to hearing about your product or service.  Being dishonest will only lead to a loss in your credibility, making your prospect feel like you are trying to scam them.

Magnetism: Mr. Rogers has often been described as “determinedly gentle and soft spoken.” This method of communicating captivated his audience of both children and adults.  He spoke with purpose and compassion.  He knew listening was just as important as speaking.  This is what drew people to him and allowed him to learn so much from everyone he spoke with.
You don’t have to be gentle and soft spoken, maybe your style is more energetic or authoritative, but make sure you’re listening to the best of your ability.  If your prospect feels as though you are genuinely listening to what they are sharing with you (not just waiting for your turn to speak) they are more likely to open up and share more with you.

Mr. Rogers was a role model to both children and their parents for over thirty years.  He not only taught us about music and math, he taught us how to treat one another. What other methods could be relevant to our daily or professional lives? And while you’re feeling nostalgic:


Rest in Peace, Mr. Rogers. Thanks for the Nostalgia!
Posted @ Tuesday, July 10, 2023 3:04 PM by Jeanne Fuchs
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