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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of June 11, 2024


Happy Father's Day to all the father's out there as we approach the weekend. We wanted to take this opportunity to provide a short recap of the week's blogs and offer up an additional blog we "stumbled upon" this week. Today, Sirius Decisions published a blog on teleprospecting and discusses why it should be included in your demand generation efforts.  

Below you will find a brief recap of this week's blogs.  We were able to provide six excellent posts discussing a variety of topics. 

Monday, June 11, 2024

Matt started off the week discussing A Few Keys To A Successful Inside Sales Program. Matt looks at the benefits of having a great CRM in place with clean and accurate data for your reps to dial into.  Having a comprehensive training program in place with dedicated employees will help seperate the success stories from the failures. Matt continues to discuss the role management plays in developing your inside staff and offers a role play scenario of what you do when the only contact on your list is no longer with the company. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2023

Tuesday brough the inaugural post for one of our senior CDR's, Matt Dichter.  Matt put together a great blog regarding The Power Of (Focused) Persistence in which he references a blog written by Jill Konrath and offers a couple great analogies comparing teleprospecting to going to the dentist and his realtor.  As long as you stay in front of the prospect and respect their timing, chances are their business will follow. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2023

Hump day provided our President, Peter Gracey, the opportunity to get some things off his chest regarding inbound and outbound marketing and the use of automation tools in your teleprospecting campaigns. Most organizations tend to automate a lot of their marketing services, but tend to neglate their phone outreach programs when it comes to providing automated services.  With so much activity dedicated to emailing prospects, it makes sense to find a service that integrates with your CRM to automate a lot of your outbound outreach process, saving time for your reps and allowing them to make more dials. 

Thursday, June 14, 2023

Today we were grateful to have two great posts to provide for you.  First, Lauren took a look at updating your inside sales teams messaging, warning against becoming complacent with your messaging and fearing change.  She offers a great analogy of cleaning out your closet and provides three signs that it might be time to change your messaging.  In our second blog, Jill discusses how easy it is for managers to get tied to their desk and provides some great advice on ways to break free of your desk and mingle with your employees. By using your calendar, being more approachable, and being aware of your employees needs, you should be able to cut the chain that is holding you to your desk. 

Friday, June 15, 2023

To cap off our week, Kim takes a look at hiring strategies and discusses one of her favorite questions to ask when interviewing potential candidats; past experiences. She warns that candidates should not discount those first work experiences and that they provide an opportunity for you to realize what type of environment you can thrive in and what environments may not be the best fit.

Thanks again for reading and sharing this week and we look forward to providing more great content next week.  Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and enjoy your weekend.  


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