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Sales Checklist: How Do You Prepare Your Day for Success?


Summer is upon us and so is the time of the year for weekend getaways. Before work this morning, I was preparing for a weekend getaway of my own to Cape Cod. I stood in front of my empty duffle bag and made a checklist of the essentials I would need to pack; toothbrush….check….sweatshirt…check, and so on and so forth. I have always been the type of person to make checklists in my head and I realized that I do the same thing when I tackle my day at work.

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These are a few of the items that go on my “AG Sales Checklist” everyday;

*Coffee – As with most jobs coffee is essential to productivity and I am no exception. It’s the absolute first thing I have to do when I walk in the door….Check!

*Look at my home page on and prioritize any important follow up tasks or interested pipeline….Check!

*Open up the calendars in both of my email domains and make a post-it reminder of when I have the calls and which ones were accepted/declined/had no response….Check!

*Answer any inbound emails received since the day before….Check!

*Browse Linkedin's answer section for relevant posts that match my current projects...Check!

*Touch base with my colleagues on the same projects to troubleshoot and brainstorm...Check!

Now that I have made it through my morning checklist I can breeze through my day and stay organized to maximize productivity. I also make it a point to set short term goals for myself each hour to track how many voicemails I have left and emails I’ve sent. I like to reserve the last 15 minutes of my day to being resourceful and pulling new contacts in from various website sources. If it looks like my home page of follow up tasks will be light for the following day pulling in new people the day before helps me save time and make more dials.

So, no matter if you are packing for your weekend, or setting yourself up for the work day, it’s always good to have a plan and stay focused. What are some other ideas to help organize and maximize your day?

*Blog post….Check!!


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