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Inside Sales Is A Team Effort


Tis the season for football fanatics and Super Bowl Sunday is upon us!  I can almost smell the chili and Buffalo wings now.  In preparing to write my blog for this week I was inspired by a blog by our own Laney Pilpel emphasizing the importance of not settling for average performance.  I got to thinking about the performance of the individual versus the performance of a team here at AG.  To most, inside sales can seem like an individual “sport” like tennis or golf.  But here at AG what is cultivated is much more of a team vibe much like well…football!  Our Directors and Managers do a great job keeping us motivated but also as inside sales reps motivate each other.  Just like in a huddle before a big game we motivate and strategize with one another as to how we will reach our goals and succeed.

This past week saw the end of one month and the start to another.  The last day of the month can be a particularly stressful time for inside sales reps striving to meet deadlines or goals.  For me, the end of the month is the ultimate indicator of my personal performance and the time when I lean on my fellow reps for support and advice.    

Vince LombardiJust as famed football coach Vince Lombardi said “The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.”  That sentiment is expressed at AG everyday.  When we all put our best foot forward and do our part we ensure not only victory for ourselves but for our entire “team.” The bulk of the attention and stress of Sunday’s game may be falling on the shoulders of Quarterbacks  Eli Manning and Tom Brady but it will inevitably be the overall performance of the team that supports them, that will determine who will be victorious.  Enjoy the game, the food and merriment….and oh yea, GO PATS!! 


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