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Looking On The Bright Side


It seems like I am reminded every day, in one way or another, how this country is going through tough times.  High unemployment, news shows talk about “double-dip” recession, and then there are those that believe the world will end on December 21, 2012.   

I am thankful to have my health and to be employed by the same company for the past three years, and feel for the folks who have been less fortunate.  In life, as in sales, I think we neglect to give ourselves enough credit as to the power we have in controlling our own destiny and the roads we choose to travel.   Fear may hold us back but it is up to us to take chances, chase our dreams and find our passion.  Opportunities don’t always present themselves clearly and in those instances I believe an individual must find ways to create their own opportunities.  We can’t shape the world we live in but we can shift our attitudes and strengthen our mental awareness in order to handle the road blocks we face.

With the New Year fresh in our minds, people will be summoning their list of ways to better themselves and their wallets.  New Years resolutions are cliché but it’s necessary to take a step outside yourself and evaluate where you’ve been and where you want to go.  As we get older time can be the enemy and the years start passing seemingly as fast as months.   Mark TwainWhen I graduated high school I saved one Hallmark card from a relative that I keep on my dresser drawer to this day.   On the front is a gorgeous wooden sailboat cutting through the waves of an open sea - engraved cursive lettering overlaps the image with a Mark Twain quote:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” 

In 2012, I wish you all a successful journey in your pursuit of happiness.  And if things get tough, just remember, you have more control than you realize to make a change.


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