Suggestions On When To Use Mass Email For Teleprospecting
Sales Prospecting Perspectives in pleased to bring you another guest post from one of our newer BDRs, Kim Staib.
Another beautiful fall New England day outside, leaves starting to change, crisp air….perfect day to Google search for a blog idea…no I didn’t, yes I did, no I didn’t….ok so I did. Lucky for me just as I began my search for a topic a message popped into my inbox from an email blast I sent out almost a week ago. Presto I have my next blog topic!
Now it would be great if every client handed you a perfectly scrubbed list with the exact criteria that they wanted you to hit with perfect titles, phone numbers and emails but that is not always the case. Mass emailing can be a great way to hone in on potential targets for leads. They can be gold mines for quality information, referrals to decision makers, and most importantly a way to score some quick hit opportunities.
I have had experience with projects that have both succeeded and failed with a mass emails. It seems to be totally dependent on the unique nature of the project. A couple of examples of the kind of clients where I’ve seen email campaigns being fruitful for quality information are those that:
- Are a new face in their market: Blasting your new list before you start prospecting can get your client’s name into their inboxes generating some potential interest.
- Have a target title: Something simple like Director of IT or VP of Customer Care can help those you are trying to get a referral from point you in the right direction.
For tips on making the most of your mass email check out Craig’s 5 Tips to Making Your Mass Email/Campaign Successful.
Overall, no strategy can compete with AG’s call plan combining voice mails and emails, but in a time crunch a mass email can be an expedient way to get to those decision makers and an effective way to break in a new list.