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Blind Dates And Teleprospecting: Nail Down Your "Non Negotiables"


Sales Prospecting Perspectives in pleased to bring you another guest post from one of our newer BDRs, Kim Staib.

I will take a cue here from a blog entry Chris Lang wrote a while back Night Out at the Cold Calling Bar.

Anyone else watch that show on Bravo “Millionaire Matchmaker?”  Anyway matchmaker Patti Stanger says that in dating you must first be firm in your “non negotiables.”  This concept can also be applied to teleprospecting to either qualify a prospect in or out.  With projects I have worked on there have always been a series of questions in which the answers could be potential “deal breakers” much like there could be on a blind date.Kim

First of course are the transition questions, which flow out of your general introduction.  It’s light, casual, nothing too aggressive just getting to know a little bit about each other with the “where did you grow up and where did you go to school” kind of questions (gaining a better understanding of the prospects environment).

Then there are the probing questions, the tone gets slightly more aggressive but still as on any date (or on a call) you try to focus on simply learning about the other person i.e. “Are your parents still together? Where do you see yourself in 10 years” (what areas are you looking to improve within your environment?).

Next come the qualification questions; here is where we start to see the potential “deal breakers.”  In teleprospecting this could mean questions surrounding a minimum or maximum requirement your client has on a number of users or questions surrounding time frame and budget. On a date this would be something like “Do you think you would like to have children someday?”  On a date you’ll either hear what you want or watch as your date starts shoving crème brulee in their mouth to avoid answering.  On a call it is likely that your client will equip you with their “non negotiables” that would qualify a prospect in or out at this point. 

Finding out your clients “non negotiables” upfront ensures that you will be passing over qualified opportunities that could end up being…..a perfect match!

The same can be said for teleprospecting as is said in dating, “there are plenty of fish in the sea” if this one didn’t work out just cast out your line and try and catch another one!



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