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Tips For A Productive Inside Sales Weekly Recap Meeting


Do you ever get to the grocery store and find yourself rolling up and down the isles wasting time gathering your thoughts on what you need? You forgot to write out a list, you have no clue if you need milk or cheese, dish soap, paper towels or what you stocked up on last week.

Being unprepared when you only have so much time allocate towards something results in forgotten items, time wasted and over all frustration. This holds especially true for weekly client calls or weekly marketing and sales team calls. The intent of a these calls is to outline your questions, observations from the week, your scheduled calls, feedback on lead quality, and be prepared to talk about your pipeline. Without that concise list, it’s easy to fall victim to the “ahhs and ummms” and forget about what you needed to accomplish during that meeting. Weekly client/team calls are imperative to the success of a program. They are an opportunity to talk through objections and interesting conversations we need advice with, on a case by case basis. It’s where we learn new terminology for prospecting, questions to ask our prospects. It is a discussion about the industry and how the market is reacting to the teleprospecting efforts. It’s a time to gather feedback on the leads and how they are progressing, and a time to sync up on schedules and make sure everything is accounted for. Without a concise list, there is no order to the conversation. Inside sales reps will hang up frustrated about things they forgot to address, and the client/sales rep is in the dark on how productive we are truly being.

No one likes to pull into the drive way and have that “I knew I forgot butter” moment and wonder if it’s worth going back for right away. We can’t remember every single conversation out of 500+ activities in a week, much like we can’t remember every item the home needs during weekly grocery shopping. Go in with a plan, be productive and make the most of that call. We are not on the call to discuss how great everything is going and take 10 minutes to pat each other on the back. Success is always the best action item to discuss, but specifics on where the challenges are can be arguably more beneficial to discuss as success, and will help determine how we are going to continue being successful.  But we need to ensure we cover all the bases in this conversation.

Are you keeping a concise grocery list to discuss with your clients or team?


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