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Finding Your Groove In Teleprospecting As A New Hire


Sales Prospecting Perspectives in pleased to bring you a guest post from one of our newer BDRs, Kim Staib.

My first day at AG was over four months ago and I have learned a lot since then.  For instance; energy drinks rank very high on AG’s hierarchy of needs, get to the kitchen early on pizza day if you want a slice of meat-lovers and always have a sweater on hand as the office is very well air conditioned.  OK OK….so I’ve learned more than that.  Overall these last few months have been a continuous learning experience in a field I had a lot to learn about prior to joining AG.  Since AG is growing and we’re always seeing new faces I thought I would pass along a few things I learned within my first week live on the phones.

  • Don’t feel bad if you don’t know EVERYTHING, you are not supposed to and that’s why we put people in touch with our client’s product specialists. Take what you don’t know and turn it into an opportunity for the prospect to talk with a specialist. 
  • Communicate with your fellow inside sales reps!!  This is absolutely essential; they were my best resource starting out.  Ask questions!!  Working on a project with a seasoned inside rep?  Have them look over your voice mail and email templates to give you advice and tips.  Don’t know if this counts as a quality conversation?  Ask someone.  The great thing about AG is that everyone here wants you to succeed and is always willing to help.
  • “Hope for a yes but be prepared for a no.”  More often than not in this business you are going to hear “we’re not interested.”  Even though chances are you are going to hear a “no” on the other end of that phone you should go into every call sounding confident and show no fear.  A prospect can sense hesitation in your voice in which case you will potentially lose any credibility you may have had. 
  • Listen to the inside reps around you and adapt what works for them to your own style.
  • Get as many people into your call plan as possible in that first week.  You want to start developing pipeline as quickly as possible.  More dials = more conversations = more leads.  Period.

Finally, don’t get discouraged if leads aren’t just falling in your lap on your first day.  It’s simply the nature of the beast, sometimes your up, sometimes your down and the best thing you can do is just keep dialing and learn from your mistakes.


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