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How Do You Inspire A Demotivated Inside Sales Rep?


With summer behind us, those of us in the inside sales game realize it’s time to focus. No more excuses about having a difficult time getting decision makers on the phone. Guess what, they’re in the office and all you need to do is just to take the initiative to pick up the phone and sell.

So let’s assume the playing field is level and the team has every tool at their disposal to be fully productive. Your job is done, right? Well from what I’ve seen it’s more than just giving your team what you perceive they’ll need to be successful. They need to feel that you’re supporting their progress and what THEY perceive it will take for them to succeed as well. Also, as I mentioned last week, fancy contests and company outings are helpful but we can’t expect that will help to motivate an otherwise de-motivated employee.

My Marketing VP brought an interesting article from the NY Times to my attention that played into what I discussed in my blog last week. The general theme is that when we’re happier at work we tend to be a heck of a lot more productive. They estimate there is $300 Billion (yes billion with a B) in revenue is lost annually due to uninspired work from de-motivated employees.

As we all know, selling doesn’t seem to be getting any easier nowadays. What goes a long way for our people can simply be taking the time to listen to their problems and working together to affect positive change. Last time I checked, that should cost companies a lot less than the big money shelled out for that “team building” outing to improve morale.


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