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Employee Satisfaction = Customer Satisfaction

Just finished a great book called  Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh. Tony is the CEO of Zappos, an online shoe store which was acquired by Amazon for $1.2 billion.  What struck me as I read was that the corporate philosophy.  While most highly successful companies focus on profitability, efficiency, margin etc. Zappos was all about corporate culture,customer service and treating others, especially vendors, with respect. They subscribe to the philosophy that if you treat others well, exceeding their expectations by going the extra mile the rest would take care of itself.  Not quite that simple, but wow what a novel idea! Delivering Happiness

It was refreshing to see that this concept scales.  Ten years ago my business partner and I founded AG Salesworks on a philosophy of putting our employees first.  Creating an environment where our people want to come to work as opposed to have to go to work.  Our thought was if our people are happy, they will be more passionate and productive.  Passionate and productive employees will produce a higher quality product, exceeding our customers expectations.  AG’s profitability will take care of itself.  While this is easier said than done, it has worked out quite well for us.  I have always wondered if it could scale.  I guess my job now is to grow AG Salesworks to $1 billion in revenue.  Wait till I roll the new sales numbers out to my team, this might take a while, check in with me in 10 years.

It’s nice to see that companies large and small can apply common sense business philosophies, like treating your employees and vendors with respect, and delivering a product that exceeds expectations, and still thrive. Is it really necessary to subscribe to an abusive, cut throat  philosophy in order to succeed in business?  Tony and I would agree the answer is a resounding NO!  Call me old fashioned.


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