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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of July 11th


Happy Friday, everyone!

We have a great little recap for you this week. I found a couple blogs that are well worth noting. One of which I highlighted in my first non-weekly recap post! I was very excited to be able to weigh in and share my experience as an inside sales rep with all of you so I hope you enjoy it. The blog I'd like to highlight for this weeks highlight is by Colleen Francis, titled Don't Lie to a Sales Prospect. Ever. End of Story. I'm sure it's happened to us all. Someone asks what you do for a living and the moment you mention immediately get this vibe that they want to leave the conversation. It’s as if you're about to sell them this insane product that they clearly don't need, but somehow you'll talk them into buying. Colleen explains why folks feel that way but also brings up a good point. Half the time, the negative things said about sales professionals...are said by other sales professionals! She also notes that it's not just the salesperson that's being untruthful. It can be the clients/prospects as well. She points out key reasons and explanations as to why both sales professionals and their prospects are dishonest. So check it out and see if your guilty of any of these fibs, or maybe it'll help you understand why one of your prospects has been untruthful to you in the past.  

Monday July 11th

Don't Give Up On Those "Old" Sales Leads! - Laney Pilpel made some great points this week in her entry regarding "old" leads that have gone into an "unresponsive" bucket. Laney explains that although those leads may not be a top priority, it's important to still reach out to them at least once a month. As you never know, they could just lead to an opportunity.

"While bringing in new prospects is crucial to any successful cold call campaign, it’s also equally as important to nurture “old” ones because you never know what you will be able to uncover – just as we did last week."

Tuesday July 12th

5 Tips To Get Your Prospects Attention When Cold Calling - We've all been there. You try and try to reach out to someone. Then when you finally get them on the phone, you’ve already blown it trying to get their attention and they immediately give you the brush off. Here are some helpful ways to keep them on the phone and ready to talk to you.

"Keep in mind a big part of your success generally depends on the mood of your prospect. Incorporating a few of the tips suggested above could turn the 20 second call that ends with a: "Not interested. Thanks."…dial-tone. To more of a productive call that could help to uncover some genuine interest."

Wednesday July 13th

How Are Your Inside Sales Reps Using Your CRM? - Jill Ryan discusses the importance of an organized CRM solution and how it is a big part of your success in sales.

"No one is capable of remembering every good conversation they had and follow up action item, without a CRM. It’s a tool designed to help you organize your business. It is in place to help you maintain the quality of your list.  In keeping good records, we can report on how much of the list was bad data, transitioned into pipeline, and when its time for fresh accounts."

Thursday July 14th

Inside Sales Reps: Don't Take "No Budget: For An Answer... - This entry was written by yours truly! I found a blog article that inspired me to add my two cents on not taking "no budget" as an answer. We are all very familiar with that response from our prospects, and as I mention, it's one the hardest objections to overcome. The important thing is to remember is to never give up and keep digging, as you may find opportunities there after all.

"...a lot of times folks are just comparing you too another solution that they looked at previously. It's your job to find that out and make them realize what sets you apart from the competition. Pricing aside, there may be a feature in your solution that would make that purchase worth it to them. If you just end the call as soon as they say no budget, you'd never find out."

Well that's it for this week! I hope everyone has a great weekend! See you next week!



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