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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of June 6th


Happy Friday Everyone!

Well it's the second week of June and I don't know about you, but the last thing I thought we'd be doing is watching the Bruins in the STANELY CUP PLAYOFFS! Growing up, part of my life in Boston and having family born and raised there, you can imagine this is a big deal to us. Which is why I couldn't pass up highlighting this blog this week. Marta Kagan put together 5 Stanley Cup-Worthy Marketing Lessons from the Boston Bruins. Here he explains what we Marketing professionals could learn from the Bruins this year. Thinking as a team and learning from your mistakes are just a couple ways that can help you in your marketing efforts. Great blog Marta!! 

Monday June 6th 

Are You Making Enough Teleprospecting Mistakes To Succeed? - Nicole Puddester talks about how even with making mistakes in your cold calling/sales efforts you can easily use that to your advantage. She's right in that you can't hide behind that "perfect list". Be prepared to do some work and even make some mistakes. It's what you learn from them that's important. 

"The best BDRs are the ones that are not afraid to pick up the phone and fall on their face a couple times.  Hiding behind lists, linkedin, and other resources will not make the best use of your time.  Pick up the phone and talk to some people.  The worst they can say is no.  This is a small price to pay for the possibility of uncovering a huge opportunity you would not want to miss out on!"

Wednesday June 8th 

How Effective Are Your Email Templates When Prospecting? - Jill put together another great blog this week as she discusses the importance of going back and measuring the effectiveness of your email templates. After all, what is the sense of sending the same emails if they're not being read by your prospects?

"When I listen in on calls as a Manager with the BDRs on my team, one of the first questions I ask them is “How is your email connect rate?” The typical answer is: “Um...could be better? Not sure, I haven’t looked at the emails in a while...” So, how do we solve this mystery? Simply rereading and rewriting!"

Thursday June 9th 

Mid Year Sales Funnel Check, Are You Set Up To Close Strong? - Chris Lang discusses what you should be looking out for, in order to be on pace to close out your year succeeding or even exceeding your goal. 

"Analyzing the funnel is like getting your physical. You dread the Doctor’s lecture about getting too much sun, not exercising enough and drinking too much wine. In addition the check up is getting more and more…well ”invasive” as time goes on. Your risks and their potential outcomes are exposed and it scares the hell out of you. Now that we’re coming to the midway point of the year, you need to be the doctor and run a thorough analysis of your funnel to see what tweaks need to be made." 

Well I hope you liked the blogs this week! I Hope you all have a great weekend! GO BRUINS!! 


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