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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of May 16th


Happy Friday everyone, and welcome to another weekly recap! 

Before I get into this week's recap, I would like to highlight a great blog I found. In Why You Might Not Be Credible: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself, Chris Lott discusses the "stigma" against sales reps and how they have a reputation for talking people into doing things that they don't want to do. He offers some great questions to ask yourself in order to keep a honest relationship with your prospect. Check it out and see how you do! 

Monday May 16th

Are You Calling A List Or Finding Opportunities? - In her blog this week, Nicole Puddester discusses how to effectively "attack" a prospecting list. 

"It’s important that you have a team equipped with the right accounts, skilled at prospecting into companies, and the right resources at their fingertips to be in the best position to find qualified prospects. It is also important that reps are ALWAYS trying to get directed to the right person by picking up the phone, calling in, and starting a conversation."

Tuesday May 17th

Your Prospecting List Probably Isn't As Good As You Think - Craig Ferrara discusses how and why it is important to throughly scrub a list before handing it over to your inside sales reps, allowing them to focus on making dials and not on tracking down correct phone numbers and titles.

"As it relates to inside sales, one of the biggest time sucks of all is a crappy list. If your inside rep is spending more than a few minutes before each dial tracking down accurate phone numbers, email address’ etc.. they’re wasting time. The few minutes taken prior to a call should be focused on doing research on the company and the contact, rather than dealing with the mundane task of tracking down their contact info."

Wednesday May 18th 

Who Should I Buy My Prospecting List From? - Pete put together another great blog this week where he points out what we do when choosing a partner for your prospecting lists. It's important to know that there is no "perfect" list, but there are some things you can do in order to ensure that you're getting the best list possible. 

Thursday May 19th 

The 5 Fundamentals of Lead Generation - Chris Lang talks about some key concepts that inside sales reps should keep in mind in order to stay focused. 

"Sometimes we get mired down with techniques and strategies that we read about in books leading us to completely overhaul our process. Sometimes all you have to do is stick with the fundamentals."

That wraps it up for this week! If you haven't already be sure to check out our newest success kit! Click on the link below to check it out! See you next week! 

Inside Sales Management Success Kit


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