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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of May 2nd


Happy Friday Everyone!

Welcome to another weekly recap! During this weeks recap you will be reading some tips on how to keep your inside sales reps on track, how to leverage your CRM solution efficiently, how to make the most out of a bad sales situation and also learn the benefits of conference calls over face to face meetings. -But first as always, I wanted to highlight a blog that I found this week that I found to be particularly on point with what we
preach here at AG. Scott Dodge had another great blog this week disucssing 5 Ways to Maximize Quality Leads From Telemarketing. Do your homework, Be Nimble and Be Connected are great ways to ensure your sending over as many qualified leads as you can. Another great blog Scott!

Monday May 2nd

Helping Your Inside Sales Reps Get Back On Track - Nicole put together a great blog this week as she discusses some ways to ensure that your reps stay on track to meet their goals.

"It’s important for your sales reps to always understand the cycle and realize that even the best reps out there still have weeks in a slump. I have found that a healthy and optimistic mindset is what separates your average sales rep from your top performers. This means, it is important for your sales rep to know that even though they had a bad week, it's not something that they should dwell on and have it fill their day with excuses and complaints."

Tuesday May 3rd

3 Simple Tips On Leveraging Your CRM For More Efficient Cold Calling- Craig Ferrara put together this brief list that discusses some things you can do with you're CRM that will ensure you are making the most out of your day.

"Time management is consistently the biggest challenge for most of the folks I have making dials. It seems we build a lot of unnecessary busy work into our day by jumping from screen to screen in our CRM. For the sales folk grounded in reality, we all know cold calling is a necessary evil. Adding a few of these tips to your process will hopefully allow you to cut down on the amount of time you are dedicating to everyone’s favorite part of the sales process."

Wednesday May 4th

Making The Most Out Of A Horrible Sales Situation... - Pete Gracey shares a bit of his own personal experience when first starting his career in sales. It's a funny and perfect example of how no matter how bad the sales call/meeting is going, you have to keep stay confident and remain positive.

"I felt incredibly confident and had built a nice rapport with my prospects. We reached the portion of the tour where we would take them through the pool and back into the restaurant. Things were going well and I was getting excited about getting them to come back in for a meeting with the Sales Director. There was a $200 bonus if your leads actually booked at the hotel. In my excitement, I didn't notice that I really wasn't watching where I was walking..." 

Thursday May 5th

The New Face of Sales: Your Voice -  Chris Lang put some great perspective on just how financially effective and efficient face to face meetings are these days.

"...At least for now it seems as though the days of 5 states in 3 days are slowing down. I’m not saying they are by any means gone...but it is becoming increasingly effective/acceptable to your prospect to run meetings while in the confines of your own offers so many benefits for companies that it must be looked at..."

Well I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week! For all you mothers and mothers to be out there I hope you have a Happy Mothers Day!

Have a great weekend!


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