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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of April 25th


Happy Friday Everyone! 

I hope you all had a great week and those in the Bay State got to get out and enjoy the great weather today!

I found a great blog this week that I wanted to note: 4 Keys to a Successful B2B Inside Sales Team by Steve Dodge. I thought this was put together well as it mirrors what we here at AG believe in. I especially like the section on communication. It's one of the most important aspects of running any team successfully, but when it comes down to inside sales it's especially important for everyone to be on the same page and know what is expected of each other in order to meet goals successfully. Well said Scott! 

Monday April 25th 

How To Increase Client Retention - Laney Pilpel put together a great blog where she discusses how she maps out her day and ensures the best possible service to not only her current clients, but new ones that are just coming on board.

"We continue to increase the amount of clients we have and keep, which is the result of not only our sales team bringing on new customers, but also client retention once these customers are on board with us from an operations standpoint. I've found that the trick is to maintain strong current customer relationships while still introducing new ones."

Tuesday April 26th 

How Long Should Sales Nurture Leads From Their Teleprospecting Team?  - If you remember from last week, Craig mentioned that this week he'd be wrapping up his blog from last week regarding how much time should your outside sales reps be spending on the leads that get sent over to him. So, here he sums it all up with a little call plan that he recommends your outside sales reps to follow. 

"The inside rep fully qualifies a lead based on this consensus and then transfers it over to the outside sales team. As is the case with many leads, the prospect doesn’t pick up the phone at the initially scheduled time. How much effort should the outside rep put in into an unresponsive lead before it is sent back to inside sales/marketing? From what I’ve seen it typically works out to an average of 1 call and 1 email. Then what happens? Is it being sent back to inside sales/marketing, or is it being left there to rot?"

Thursday April 28th 

3 Inside Sales Rep Production Killers - Chris Lang points out some key areas to look out for when managing your inside sales team. As Chris mentions, inside sales does tend to be a stepping stone to get into the outside sales role you will find that your inside sales reps soon grow tired of the dreaded cold calling and try and do other things to keep them off the phones.

"Sometimes they are trying to do anything but make cold calls because it turns out cold calls are tough! I know from personal experience that there are days when I was getting killed on the phone and I would rather shovel sh*t than make dials. Sometimes it’s not the ISR’s fault at all. I see a lot of managers that don’t give their reps all the tools they need forcing them to do ancillary work rather than make dials. Here are a couple of major time killers to look out for."

Friday April 29th 

The Importance Of Leveraging Your Inside Sales Data To Reflect ROI - Jill Ryan discusses how important it is to continuously look beyond what you do each day and always strive to do better. Here she discusses how important the reports that she puts together each day weighs heavy on what we provide to our clients.

"When it comes time for our clients to sit down and have a discussion on the value of AG, I like to make sure that we have captured reports for all parties involved in order for them to have full visibility to the success of the program. Everyone needs to have the metrics that are relative to them in order to have an informed conversation about the effectiveness of lead generation."

Well that wraps it up for this week! Please be sure to tell us what you think, we'd love to hear from you. 

Have a great weekend everyone! 


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