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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of April 4th


Happy Friday Everyone! 

Welcome to another weekly recap! We were pretty busy this week with our blogs, but before I get into that I wanted to highlight one that I found to be very insightful this week. Elise Segar wrote: Inside Sales: 6 Things you need to build a strong team. She offers some great advice on how to build a successful inside team. I particular how she stresses that it's not about the number or appointments you get, it's about the number of quality opportunities that they pass over. Very much what we believe! 

Monday April 4th 

How To Reward Your Inside Sales Team To Maintain Success - Nicole Puddester put together a great blog this week offering some ideas on how to keep your inside team motivated and to help them continuously hit their goals. 

"I believe that the best way to ensure a rep never gives up on a month/quarter is to use a reward system throughout this time that helps to achieve consistent and optimal performance from your team. To avoid confusion, this isn’t the big commission check they receive after their quarter is wrapped up and all is said and done. Assuming that a strong and motivating commission plan is already in place, keep your team motivated with incremental weekly rewards throughout the month and quarter."

Tuesday April 5th

3 Warning Signs to Look Out For From Senior Sales Rank - Craig Ferrara dicusses some warning signs to look out for in your vetern sales reps. We all get set in our ways on certain things, but it's important to remember to stay flexible as times are always changing. 

"...they have achieved their imaginary status because they've brought in a few big deals in their day, or simply they have been in the sales game long enough that they feel their way gets it done. Well guess what, the best sales folks I've been around understand that adapting to your surroundings is a ain't optional."

Wednesday April 6th 

Is It Time To Say Goodbye To Your Teleprospecting Partner? - Pete Gracey tells it like it is in his blog this week, when it comes to knowing when it's time to cut ties with your teleprospecting partner. 

"Partnering with a teleprospecting firm can be a confusing thing. Especially at the outset when you don't have enough fully qualified opportunities to truly determine success. Use these three evaluation points in that first month and I'd be willing to bet they'll tell you all that you need to know about your selected partner."

Thursday April 7th

Never Ever EVER pass These Leads To Sales - Rather then tell us the kinds of leads that sales should be receiving, he discusses certain ones that you shouldn't send over and why.

"Handing a sales rep leads that don’t go anywhere kills the confidence in that lead source.We won’t use your leads if they don’t offer us the best chance of hitting our number.
Provide us with the best option and we will use it."

I hope you liked the blogs this week. Be sure to tell us what you think! Have a great weekend, and see you next week!


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