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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of March 14th


Happy Friday Everyone! 

It's 65 degrees out there, the birds are singing and the snow is finally melting! If that doesn't make you feel good then maybe some very insightful and informative blogs will. 

In this weeks highlight Kelley Robertson asks an interesting questions. "How comfortable are you with silence?" In his blog The Cone of Silence. He offers a great tip in knowing when to to stop talking, wait and listen for the prospect to finish a thought or answer your question. If you can pull it off, definitely try it. The results may just surprise you! 

Monday March 14th

3 Reasons Why Every Inside Sales Team Needs an Intern - Laney Pilpel put together a great blog talking about the benefits of hiring an intern to further assist your list development team. 

"An inside sales team needs to have extra support from a list development standpoint, and adding an intern to your existing list development team can have a huge impact. We as an organization developed the position because we were finding that we could really provide more value to our clients if we had even more support solely focused on list building."

Tuesday March 15th 

What Traits Should Inside Sales Managers And Employees Share? - Craig Ferrara talks about the similarities between managers and their employees and what they should all have in common. 

"... I realized was that most of the traits I was looking for in my bosses more often than not are the very same things they should be looking for in their employees as well. As a result, much of what I look for from my people HAS to be the same traits that I’m exhibiting to my team."

Wednesday March 16th 

Focusing Your Cold Calling On Helping Not Selling... - Jill Ryan put together a great piece discussing how she deals with the wonderful world of cold calling. It's not an easy job but changing your mind set can really help increase positive conversations. 

"Realizing that I was not trying to sell anything, and my job was to discuss someone’s pains and needs with them, often took the edge off...

...I focus on gaining the prospects trust, and that I’m interested in only helping them if there is a need."

Well I hope you all had a wonderful week and were able to get out and enjoy the nice weather today! As always we'd love to hear from you so please send us your thoughts! 


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