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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap For Week Of February 14th


Good Evening Everyone! 

Welcome to another weekly recap! I hope you had a wonderful week. I almost don't want to speak too soon but, the weather is warming up, snow is melting and we can see the sidewalks again! So it looks like spring may just be around the corner! 

I have a few blogs that I quickly want to recap but I wanted to note another great article I found this week: Voice Mail Messages That Generate Callbacks: Tips from Business Development Expert Ron Karr. Here he shares a few different ways that we too like to instill in our current and new employees. Having a call plan in mind, keeping the message brief, focusing the message on each prospect individually and if it's not working, try something else! Are all great ways to increase the likelihood of a call back. We really couldn't have said it better ourselves. Great article! 

Monday February 14th 

How To Reach The Correct Prospect You Want To Sell To Fast - Do you find yourself spending a lot of time going in circles and getting to the appropriate contact? Laney Pilpel put together 3 great tips to try in order to get to that contact as quickly as possible by making the best of every call you make. 

"Many inside sales reps dial their lists of prospects all day without making any live connects, therefore, they are missing out on a lot of opportunities to talk to someone else within the company that could be the right person to sell to."

Tuesday February 15th

Is Your Senior Inside Sales Rep Ready For A Promotion? Craig Ferrara put together a list of 3 questions that he likes to ask his reps, to see just how ready they are to move up the latter. 

"We all have known those sales guys in our career that for whatever reason felt they deserved more than anyone else. With all of the experience that your senior reps bring to the table, on occasion we have to deal with the slight headache of that rep asking you when it's their turn to move forward. Here are 3 questions I ask myself to assess whether they are ready for that next step..."

Thursday February 17th

3 Reasons Why We Will Never Be Able To Replace Cold Calling With Marketing Tools - As always Chris Lang put together a great blog that's both informative and entertaining. His analogies are a little...different, but he really does get his point across. 

"Personally, I haven’t calculated a tip, remembered a phone number or sent a hand written letter in years. Technology frees up my mind to think of other, more complex things such as what I want for lunch even though it’s only 8:30am.  In Marketing, technology is taking over a lot of the tasks that humans used to do making us a lot more efficient. Marketing tech is reinventing the rate and consistency in which we reach our prospects. These marketing automation tools are awesome. The issue I have isn’t with marketing/sales tools. I do however take exception to the “now that we have these marketing tools, cold calling is stupid way to drive business” crowd. If you are one of those people, you are wrong. Here are a couple of reasons why..."

Well, I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week! As always we'd love to hear from you and any of your thoughts and comments. 

See you next week!


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