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Why Sales Is A Great Place To Be Right Now


I had the pleasure of participating in a panel for yesterday. Trish Bertuzzi from The Bridge Group Inc. and Steve Richard from Vorsight were my fellow panel members. Chris Snell of Green Leads and The Crap Report mediated.

We had a great discussion surrounding what Inside Sales did right and wrong in 2010 and what we thought what we would see happen in 2011. Both Trish and Steve got my mind moving in many different directions as they discussed the hits and misses of 2010 and what they see happening this year. Much of the time was spent talking about the use of technology. Both how it was used in 2010 and how it is going to be used by Inside Sales in 2011. It was great for me to be reminded of the fact that today's sales people have more weapons at their disposal than everbefore. Whether it's better list sources, CRM systems designed with them in mind, or all the benefits that a great social media strategy can give an inside sales rep...the fact of the matter is that we inside sales people should be very glad to be where we are today. Not only does all of this technology improve efficiency (when introduced and used properly), but it makes the job even more interesting.

Trish finished up the discussion with a great statement (I'm paraphrasing here). She reminded everyone that it is a fantastic time to be a salesperson. There are jobs out there, the prospects are engaged again, the technology is finally designed to help and not hinder, and there is a boat load of money to be made if you choose to make the commitment. I hope you are all as excited as I am to kill my number this year.

If you'd like to hear the audio of yesterdays' panel please follow the link below.

Focus Inside Sales Roundtable: Bigger, Better, Faster Inside Sales


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