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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of January 10th


Happy Friday Everyone!

We’ve had a very busy week here at AG! Great blogs, a new video and our very own Pete Gracey will be joining MYOB co-host Rick Brutti & Jonathan Freedman on Sunday 9 AM EST to discuss outsourced sales and marketing solutions on WBNW 1120 AM Boston Ma, WESO AM 970 Southbridge Ma, WPLM AM 139 Plymouth Ma & WSMN 1590 AM! So please tune in and tell us what you think!

Now, before I get into the recap I want to highlight a great blog I found this week. Ardath Albee wrote a very interesting blog titled: These B2B Leads Suck! Really? Here she offers some great points regarding the relationships between sales and marketing and how it’s SO important for both sides to work together collectively to achieve their goals. Great piece Ardath! I agree whole heartedly!

Monday January 10th

How To Create The Perfect Dashboard To Display Your Inside Team’s Sales Metrics – Laney Pilpel put together a great blog discussing the importance of putting together a Dashboard for your clients but also the content that should be in it.

“Whether you are the manager of an inside team selling one product or service, or if you are an inside sales manager at a company with many different clients, the metrics you need to measure your success generally remain the same across the board in my opinion. The question is how to display this information visually. With all of the great CRM systems out there, why not take advantage of the dashboard capabilities they have to offer?...”

Wednesday  January 12th

A New Year A New Take On Inside Sales – Jill Ryan puts together a new blog as she steps into her new role as Manager of Client Operations and maps out what she’d like to accomplish to succeed in this new position.

“I have accepted the position of Manager of Client Operations here at AG, with a pretty cool task at hand. My job is to assure that the client-team relationship is the best it can be. AG makes a commitment to its clients; its mission is to ensure that they will be staffed with talented individuals that produce quality opportunities for their sales reps. the end result is a strong pipeline and long term relationship for developing highly qualified opportunities.”

Thursday January 13th

4 Types Of Sales Prospect Lists And What To Expect From Them – Chris Lang talks about the four types of sales prospecting lists that he’s come across and how he suggests you work through them.

“Your sales prospect list is much like a car. I talk to a lot of people that have one kind of list and expect results from it that are unreasonable based on the origin and age of the list. Seeing as though this is a “marketing and inside sales” blog, let’s assume that you are going to prospect into these lists via phone. What should you expect based on a couple more common list types?"

Well I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week! As I mentioned earlier, please be sure to check out our YouTube Video that we put together that parody’s a number of different infomercials as we promote our Sales Prospecting Success Kit that you can download for free!

See you next week!


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