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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of January 3rd


Welcome to the New Year Everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your time off and are ready to start a brand new year!

We had some great blogs this week that were all themed around a fresh start to the new year. Before we recap those, I wanted to note a great blog that I found this week: Pre-Call Checklist for Better Sales Call Results by Bill Rice. This was a great blog as this touches on something that we've definitely discusses before in our blogs as well. It really further illustrates the importance of being prepared for ALL your calls. Whether it is a cold call or even a follow up. It helps you map out how you would like your conversation to go and will increase the likely hood of a positive conversation. Great piece Bill!

Monday January 3rd

What’s Hot in Teleprospecting for 2011 - Nicole Puddester talks about three major items that you should be thinking about and targeting this year in your teleprospecting efforts.

"As we move into 2011, B2B customers need to focus their new budgets on building a more efficient business. bottom line, customers have been saving their acorns and compromising their quality of life for so long, they are going to be far more deliberate with every purchase, ensuring that they get maximum value on many levels. So beware - they are smarter than ever. It is crucial that your teleprospecting team is keeping up with the trends and customer’s challenges as we roll into the New Year. Before you unleash your team on your targeted prospects, make sure they are ready."

Tuesday January 4th

5 Reports You Should Use To Evaluate Your Inside Sales Team For 2011 - Craig Ferrara discusses in his blog this week, the 5 reports that he's found to be most helpful over the years in managing his inside sales team.

"Every rep we have on the phone has different skill sets and typically a different way to motivate themselves to develop leads and build forecast. What has become evident to me is that there is a variety of key performance indicators we can use to evaluate and push our people to hit their goals."

Wednesday January 5th

New Year’s Resolutions and Tips On Meeting Your Sales Objectives - Chris Lang put together another great (and witty) blog discussing the little resolutions we make every year, but also the main items that Sales and Marketing should be focusing on, and how they can actually keep that resolution.

"...Gym memberships are purchased, the new diet is set, cigarette sales plummet, “I promise to be nicer to my mother in law” means something and sales and marketing (smarketing) is ready to work together to produce the biggest numbers ever. It’s a big love fest folks. Fast forward 3 months and you realize that the gym is a terrible place, chips beat apples every time, “I quit smoking” related stress is killing you and your mother in law is an old wind bag...

...I can’t help you with the personal resolutions, but here are a couple of ways to stay on track this year and actually hit the goals you set in a more optimistic time."

I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week! We'd love to hear some feedback so tell us what you think!


You are most welcome Bill! I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it as well! Looking forward to future feedbacks!
Posted @ Wednesday, January 12, 2024 9:37 AM by Michelle Lamb
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