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Sales Prospecting Perspectives YEARLY Recap - 2010


Happy New Year Everyone!

In the spirit of New Years, rather than doing a weekly recap I put together a recap of our top 5 blogs for 2010! So take a look and let me know what you think! Were there any other ones that you enjoyed this year?

5.  July 1st - Incentive Ideas for Your Inside Sales Teams

-This blog was put together by one of our guest bloggers Jill Ryan.  Here she discusses some of the challenges of cold calling and certain incentives that have pushed her to continuously hit her numbers.

“I am the kind of person that cares about my performance all the time. I am obnoxiously competitive and work the best under pressure, so go figure, I love contests. What better way to honor the cube dwellers during the next couple of months then to roll out some new incentives.”

4.  November 4th - Why You Absolutely MUST Cold Call At The End Of The Year

- A great piece by Chris Lang. Here he talks about how important it is to keep those cold calling efforts going right up through the last day of the year.

“...Yes, there are a lot of people out of the office in the time between Thanksgiving and New Years. That being said, not everyone is out and those that are in likely have a lot more time than usual to talk to you, see demo’s, and review action plans. Free time goes away quickly come the beginning of the year as new initiatives have been set and your prospects have their plates full with tasks handed to them from co workers and superiors.”

3. March 23rd - How Do You Define a Quality Sales Opportunity?

- Craig Ferrara touches on how he’s defined a true potential opportunity for your sales reps.

“From my perspective, a "true sales lead" is more than an appointment with a tire kicker. And while we wish every lead your sales team receives will meet their A+ lead criteria, the reality is that the best sales organizations we've worked with make sure every one of their reps are focused on engaging both A and B quality leads, otherwise they will be working only a handful of deals a quarter. The most successful sales reps realize that even the A and B leads require a very focused effort for the opportunity to eventually land on forecast.”

2. July 28th - The Best Email Subject Line For Teleprospecting I've Seen Yet

- Here Pete Gracey shares an email one of our employees sent, that he felt really stood out from the rest.    

“It may seem like an over analysis to you, but hey, it's what we do here. The words matter, the choice of words, their placement, and their intended effect should be well thought out prior to being used. Nowhere is this more important than in the subject line of an email.”

1. March 4th - Stop Telling Me That Cold Calling is Dead

Go figure that the number one blog of the year would go to our Co-Founder and President Peter Gracey! In this blog Peter discusses his experience in the field and how time and time again it proves that cold calling is still a necessity when it comes to your teleprospecting efforts.

“…I love my inbound opportunities, but without my teleprospectors devoting half of their time cold calling, my company would be a third of its current revenue size.  When push comes to shove, when you are selling to a cold calling opportunity you are flying the plane whereas selling to an inbound opportunity, you can at best hope to be the co-pilot.”

Well there you have our top 5 blogs of this year! We anticipate another great year in blogs for 2011, and would love to keep hearing your feedback as we continue to share our thoughts and insights with all of you.

Have a Happy and safe New Years, and see you next year!


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