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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap Week Of November 29th


Happy December Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and came back as refreshed and recharged as we did! We kept it pretty busy this week with our blogs that you’ll see below, but we also found out that our own -Laney Pilpel had one of her answers chosen by their content team as an “exemplary piece of content that represents the best of the Focus Expert Network.” Great job Laney!!

I now want to note a great article I found this week by Mark McCarthy titled: 5 Oddly Wonderful Things to Say to Customers. It’s a great piece as it really offers some great suggestions what simple things you can say to customers that really makes for a great impression.  

Monday November 29th

How To Motivate Your Inside Team Through The Holiday Months – Laney Pilpel put together another great blog in spirit of the Holiday Season! Here she offers some great tips on how to keep your team motivated during a time where a lot of prospects are said to be busy or out of the office.

“I’ve heard a lot of excuses over the years for not hitting goals in November and December like, “Executives are on vacation and not answering their phones” and “People are in holiday mode and not interested in speaking with me about their projects for the new year.” To me, these are all excuses, and I think that the opposite is true: Business leaders are in fact in the office planning for the next calendar and/or fiscal year, and they are interested in hearing what you have to offer them to make their next year’s performance that much better.” 

Tuesday November 30th

With Cold Calling- You Get Out What You Put In – Craig Ferrara talks about some lessons he’s learned from his experience in past work experience and how he uses that experience in his trainings here at AG.

“The goal is to focus on their realistic success. With every new hire who is relatively new to the cold calling game, I need them understand that they aren’t necessarily going to kill it out of the gates. Being a success in sales, more often than not, is a arduous process.”

Wednesday December 1st

November/December: #3 and #4 Sales Productivity Months Of The Year – Pete Gracey talk about the two months that you would expect to be the worst of the year end up ranking higher than you’d expect.

How many of you have had inside sales reps come to you and say “the holidays are killing me, I can’t get anyone live on the phone”..or some variation of that line.  I used to feel the same way until I actually took a look at the numbers and realized that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth…”

Thursday December 2nd

Focusing Your Team To Deliver Success While Distractions Are High! – Matt Fitt’s put together this blog spinning a little bit off of what Laney put together, except with a different, more direct approach on getting your inside sales reps to stay motivated.

“…These are the types of things that come up as we look to close out the year. And on top that, there are the out of office events that people are excited to talk about whether it be the planning or even discussing how it all went with fellow co-workers afterwards.  These conversations are okay, but we need to remind our teams that we need to remain focused on the business of uncovering opportunities.”


That wraps it up! I hope you enjoyed the quick summary! Have a great weekend!!


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