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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap Week of November 8th


Happy Friday Everyone! It’s time for the Weekly Recap!

First and foremost, wanted to of course highlight a blog that I found to be a great read this week. Another blog favorite Kendra Lee talks about an obstacle that we all hate dealing with…the dreaded gatekeeper! These “guard dogs” so to speak can be very frustrating to work around, so Kendra offers some great suggestions that I felt was important to share as well. Check out her blog Getting Past the Executive Gatekeeper, and see what you think!

Monday November 8th

Last Year’s Trash List Can Be This Year’s Treasure – Guest Blogger Jill Ryan makes a great point regarding old lists that you’ve essentially “qualified out.” Here she discusses the importance of remaining diligent in following up on your old contacts that have brushed you off, or told you to follow up at a later date. Not only can you get a lead from it but you might make some useful list adjustments.

“…Although these contacts, that originally pushed back due to timing issues, budget constraints and other various reasons may no longer be the appropriate party, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When reaching back out to those folks, you start to not only see where things are at with the company, but you’re essentially “cleaning up” your list as well. Getting rid of those who have left the company or moved onto other positions and bringing in new contacts…”

Tuesday November 9th  

How Conscious Are You Of Your Prospects Time? – Craig Ferrara brings up the age old question: “Do you or do you not ask the prospect if this is a good time?” It’s a question that inside sales experts have been repeatedly gone back and forth on. Here he talks about how it’s important to respect the prospects time, but hold them to it if they say to reach out at a later date.

“Since I’m a firm believer in making sure you ask for their permission, what should the response be if they do indeed say that now is not a good time? Simple- “When would be a better time to follow up back up with you?” Get them to commit to couple of open minutes on their calendar. Consider sending an outlook invite in order to hold them to a time.”

Wednesday November 10th

Building A Better Teleprospecting Rep: Step 3 – Pete Gracey wraps up his multi series blog regarding how to build a better Teleprospecting Rep with his 3rd and final step: Work Ethic.

“Contrary to what many of my friends and colleagues tell me, I believe that work ethic can be developed.  It isn’t something that we can only learn from our parents.  I believe strongly that if you create a company and an environment that people truly enjoy working in and care about then you can actually help them develop a strong work ethic.”

Thursday November 11th

Quality vs. Quantity – Chris Lang talks about how to motivate your inside sales reps to perform well but with the correct mindset as well.

“High lead volume isn’t a good thing if it masks issues of lead quality. Keep an eye on both the number of leads that actually take place and the number that move forward. Sales reps will lose confidence in a lead source quickly if the lead is a no show or if the lead is not a fit for the solution. Studies have shown that a sales rep will begin to lose interest in taking leads from a source if there are 2 bad leads in a row.”  

Well I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week! Have a fabulous weekend and we’ll see you Monday!


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