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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap Week of November 1st


Happy Friday!

Can you believe its November already!? –Well despite the coming holiday’s AG is keeping busy!

I wanted to note another great blog I found this week from Paul Castain. There is a reason why this guy continously pops up onto my weekly highlights. He really has a knack for putting things in a great perspective. In his blog: How To Avoid “Auto Eject”  When You Prospect! Paul offers some great tips on how to get those prospects out of the “No thanks, I’m all set…” mode. (Something that I know we’ve all dealt with before!)

Monday November 1st

Helping Your Inside Sales Reps Meet And Exceed Their Goals – Laney Pilpel put together a great blog offering some great examples on how you can help your inside sales team meet their goals for the month.

“One of my favorite questions to ask when interviewing is, 'What would you do if you were struggling to hit your number?' I often get responses like 'I would stay late to make more dials' or 'I would ask a high performer to sit in with me on calls and make suggestions.' These are some great answers, and just recently when I asked this question to a candidate, I really got to thinking about how I would answer the similar question of, ‘What should I be doing to make sure the reps on my team aren’t struggling to hit their numbers?’”

Tuesday November 2nd

Making Your Sales Messaging Less About You And More About Them – Craig Ferrara had some great responses to his last blog: How Do You Get Your Prospects Attention When You're Cold Calling? This trigged him to create a blog surrounding his response to one of the questions. Here he sites examples of a good and bad way of initiating a conversation with a prospect.

What usually works for us is leveraging the fact that you speak with people in very similar situations/roles all day long. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself as an expert since this seems to capture their attention. Considering you're having conversations with their peers on this topic all day long, you really are.”  

Thursday November 4th

Why You Absolutely MUST Cold Call At The End Of The Year – Just because the holiday’s are coming doesn’t mean you can slow down on those cold calls! Chris Lang wrote a great blog explaining why it’s very important to keep that momentum going so that it gives you a head start to the New Year.

“You should teleprospect at the end of the year because your prospect has the time to talk. Yes, there are a lot of people out of the office in the time between Thanksgiving and New Years. That being said, not everyone is out and those that are in likely have a lot more time than usual to talk to you, see demo’s, and review action plans. Free time goes away quickly come the beginning of the year as new initiatives have been set and your prospects have their plates full with tasks handed to them from co workers and superiors.”

Well I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week! Have a fabulous weekend and we’ll see you Monday!


Thank you for the mention and the kind words Michelle. 
You really made my day :) 
Rock on! 
Paul Castain
Posted @ Friday, November 05, 2023 6:56 PM by Paul Castain
You are most welcome Paul! You always put things in such a down to earth perspective I love it! I always "lol" when I read them :)
Posted @ Monday, November 08, 2023 8:29 AM by Michelle Lamb
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