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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap Week of October 25th


Happy Halloween Everyone!

We’ve had a busy but fun week this week! We had our first annual AG Halloween Party yesterday, so be sure to check out our Facebook page to see the pics!

I found another great blog by Paul Castain who writes about How To Condition Your Prospect To Say “NO!”. He talks about how without even realizing it there are certain things that you might do that quickly get your emails and messages deleted before they even hear what you have to say.  It’s a great little check list to make sure that you’re not falling in the same bad habits!

Monday October 25th

10 Tips On How To Create A Successful Cold Calling Script – Nicole Puddester offers 10 quick tips on making cold calling scripts.

“The goal is to successfully engage in conversation, identify what is going on in their environment, and learn about the challenges they face that you may be able to resolve.  From there, you can focus specifically on the information that your prospect is interested in.”   

Tuesday October 26th

How do you get your prospects attention when you're cold calling? – Here is where I’m going to have to make a little correction. This great blog was posted as being written by me, but in reality it was by Craig Ferrara. (Woops!!) So, in HIS blog Craig put together a great piece offering advice on why it’s important to gain that trust with a prospect.

“If you’re a cold calling expert, then you shouldn’t have a problem getting in front of a decision maker, but as we all know your messaging can make or break you. Since you're monopolizing their time, make sure the messaging centers around a common pain point.”

Wednesday October 27th

Building A Better Teleprospecting Rep: Step 2 – Pete Gracey’s 2nd part in his multi part series. Here he moves away from the importance of Organizational skills to Phone skills.

“Whether it be a new hires first day on the job, or a veteran rep who is need of a refresher training, the following three examples are a great place to start when you want to evaluate talent, and improve overall phone skills…”

Thursday October 28th

It’s The Little Things That Make Inside Sales Teams Perform Better – As I mentioned earlier we had our first annual AG Halloween Party. This inspired Chris Lang to discuss why doing little things like this really helps motivate our reps to be the best at what they do.

“Right now the whole company (minus one sales guy that got stuck blogging) is in the cafeteria carving pumpkins, eating food, listening to music and having a beer. How does a figure skating director increase sales for the outside reps? Why do Michelle’s chocolate chip pumpkin cookies increase the call volume inside reps make? Can something as simple as a couple hours off for a party drive your numbers up? Absolutely!...”

That sums it up! I hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween! Get dressed up, eat candy and have fun! We’ll see you Monday!  


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