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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap Week of October 18th


Happy Friday Everyone!

We have some exciting news this week! Next Tuesday October 26th, we are pleased to be sponsoring the Webinar: Real-Time Marketing and PR featuring David Meerman Scott. Don’t miss this fascinating preview of David’s upcoming book, Real-Time Marketing & PR!

I also wanted to note a great blog that I found this week: No Voicemail = A Missed Opportunity by Kendra Lee. She offers some great tips on how to get those prospects to get back to you. It’s something that we share with our BDR’s from the moment they are hired. Polite persistence pays off!

Monday October 18th

Minimizing Your Inside Sales Rep Turnover Rates– Laney Pilpel offers some great tips on how to maintain your inside sales reps.

“Sometimes inside reps leave a company to take the next step in their career in outside sales, or they leave to take another inside sales role because they want to sell in a different industry. Other times, inside sales reps leave companies to work as an inside rep at another company that sells a similar product or service within 6-12 months of their start date. If the latter seems to be occurring more often than not for your organization, it might be time to take a closer look at ways to minimize your turnover rate.”

Tuesday October 5th

How Do You Stay Motivated When You're Failing At Cold Calling? – Craig Ferrara discusses different ways to keep yourself motivated when you’ve fallen into those dreaded ruts when cold calling.

“Obviously it can be difficult to not let the negativity get to you at times.  If you approach every call with the appropriate amount of confidence regardless of what happened on the previous call, I guarantee you will win a hell of a lot more days than you'll lose.”

Wednesday October 6th

Use Multiple Inside Sales Reps To Boost Results – Chris Lang discusses why having multiple inside sales reps offer a great advantage in your teleprospecting efforts.  

“Sometimes cold calling can be a very unsatisfying job. For example take that one week when despite putting in a lot of hours and dials, you found no leads. This is usually the same week that everyone you talk to sounds angry, most people are mean to you and one guy actually told you to go to hell and let you know how you could get there. It helps to have someone in the cube beside you so you can roll your chair out and tell them about the complete……um, jerk you just got off the phone with. Chances are they had the same call a couple of weeks ago and you can both laugh it off as you compare who talked to the biggest jerk.”

Well that covers it! Don’t forget to check out that webinar next Tuesday! Hope you have a great weekend!




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