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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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Weekly Recap Sales Prospecting Perspectives Week of Sept 27th


TGIF! We hope you all had a great week! I have some blogs that I'd like to recap for you all, but as always I wanted to mention one that I found this week that not only offered great tips, but one that made me laugh out loud.

If you're not already following him, please check out Paul Castain's blog titled Anatomy Of A Bad “Cold Call”. He really puts things in a great perspective and keeps you in check when making those dials!


Monday, September 27th  

The Scope Of A Qualified Opportunity – Nicole Puddester offers some great points on why it’s important to get as much information as you can to paint as clear of a picture for your sales team to make their follow up call go as smooth and positive as possible.

"During a recent webcast, Laney and I discussed the scope, timeframe, budget, and decision making process of a qualified opportunity.  While all aspects are so significant, I would like to expand on the scope.  I can’t overstate the importance of revealing everything you can discover about your prospect’s current environment, the tribulations with their existing process, and most importantly, where they see their organization in the future.  This part deserves so much emphasis because the scope is really what is setting your sales rep up with the ammunition necessary for a great business conversation with your prospect."

Tuesday, September 28th  

When Do You Give Up On An Unresponsive Prospect? Craig answers a question that we've all asked ourselves and talks about reasons why it's important to keep reaching out with "polite persistance" and keeping a positive attitude will help you get the answers that you need.

"I would say our approach takes more the "glass half full" mentality. We assume that if we do not hear back then it just means that our contact hasn’t managed to carve the time out of their day to get back to us. Knowing that most executives are very busy individuals we recognize that responding to a teleprospector is not their number one on their list of priorities. Our consistently deliberate approach has shown us that if you spend enough time knocking on that door, you will eventually elicit some kind of response." 

Wednesday September 6th

Is Your Sales Prospect A Great Fit For You?–  Chris Lang has another great blog that touches on knowing when it's OK to let an opportunity go.   

"I took a look at my opportunities from a couple of months ago and found that in one particular month I walked away from 50% of the potential clients I talked to. I hated it. Then again, if I didn’t walk away from those prospects they would have walked away from me or even worse, they would have signed a deal that didn’t work for either group..."


That about sums it up! -If you haven't checked out our eBook please click here for a FREE download. We are very proud of how it came out and have received some great feedback. Check it out and tell us what you think!


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