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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap For Week Of September 20th


Busy busy week for us at AG!

This week we launched our first eBook: Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unison. Written by Stephanie Tilton. It's been received well and we'd especially like to thank Dough Kessler for mentioning us in his blog: Sales and Marketing: the same hymn sheet.

Monday, September 20th

How To Conquer The Fear Of Asking The Dreaded Budget Question - We had a great blog this week from Laney Pilpel. Here she addresses a question that we all hate asking, “Budget”. She offers some great tips as to how gaining the prospects trust, and simply rewording how you ask will get you the answers that you need. 

“It’s extremely difficult to get a specific dollar amount from a prospect when it is the first conversation you are having with them, but even if you can’t get an exact dollar amount, you still have the ability to paint a clear picture surrounding the budget process at the companies you are calling into.”

Wednesday, September 22nd 

Keeping The Appropriate Perspective When You Cold Call – Craig Ferrara shared some great advice from someone he least expected to be giving him sales advice, let alone ones that worked! 

We all can get into a rut and typically our first thought would be to ask our sales brethren for the answer to our struggle. As we know, when you’re too close to the problem it can be difficult to see the answer. Think about mixing it up a bit by asking that person in your life that will provide you completely fresh and honest perspective on how to approach your call.”

Thursday, September 23rd

The Anatomy Of A Sales Discovery Call – Chris Lang follows up on his last blog and goes into further detail and analyzes the key stages of a sales call.

“Realistically, each meeting you have has a different desired outcome depending on what stage of the sales process you are at. It is with that in mind that I decided to write out what I think is the anatomy of several key sales’ stages. What should you be looking for as your prospect gets farther and farther down the line to ensure that you find closed business at the end of the funnel? Step one of course, the discovery meeting...”

Friday, September 24th

AG Salesworks 8th Anniversary!!! - Pete Gracey does a video blog thanking the people who helped make AG the success it is today. 

We hope you all had a great week as well! See you Monday!



I always enjoy stopping by this blog and never leave empty handed. 
I just downloaded the E-Book and look forward to reading it! 
And happy anniversary! 
Paul Castain
Posted @ Saturday, September 25, 2023 10:13 AM by paul castain
Thank you for the comment Paul! We are happy to hear that you are getting the value that we are hoping for, for our readers! Your praises make it worthwhile!
Posted @ Monday, September 27, 2023 8:06 AM by Michelle Lamb
First time reading this blog and found the advice on all topics very enlightening!
Posted @ Wednesday, September 29, 2023 1:45 PM by Danielle Garza
Thank you Danielle! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Please come back as we are always trying to share thoughts and tips on what we do here everyday!
Posted @ Wednesday, September 29, 2023 1:48 PM by Michelle Lamb
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