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Are You Reapplying Sunscreen To Your Inside Sales Reps?


I’ve just come back from a few days off with my Kids.  We spent a nice long weekend at our favorite beaches on Cape Cod.  On Monday of this week I learned a very valuable lesson regarding how often you need to reapply sunscreen to your children when at the beach.  If you’ve seen my picture on our website, you’ll note that I am about as tanned as a glass of milk.  My children have been blessed\cursed with the same pigment.  Because of that, we are always very careful to lather them up with enough sunscreen to actually repel UV rays all the way back to the sun.  However, I was a bit negligent in my fatherly duties on Monday only reapplying once over the course of the day.  This resulted in two very crispy, red, and agitated kids at bedtime Monday night.  Had I reapplied even one more time during the day, my kids would have slept like angels; instead we had several nice long chats over the course of a very sleepless night….and now for the gigantically desperate attempt to tie the reapplication of sunscreen to the training of teleprospectors!!

You see, training is like sunscreen for your inside sales reps.  If you reapply training regularly to your inside sales reps, they stay sharp on the phone.  They are reminded of best practices and how to use them.  The reapplication of training strengthens core skills and maintains top performance.  It gives you and your managers the forum to address any issues and concerns you have indirectly and to gain valuable insight into who your “A” players really are. 

Overall, like reapplying sunscreen, reapplying your training continuously builds better and more productive inside sales reps.  And, most importantly, it keeps them from getting burned on the phones.  Stay tuned next week for more inventive attempts to tie real life situations back into teleprospecting.


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