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Weekly Recap Sales Prospecting Perspectives week of July 19th


Happy Friday Everyone! This week we offered some answers and tips for some popular questions out there: How effective is hiring inside sales reps with no past experience in inside sales? What is the importance of providing your inside sales reps with a quality list to call into? How are you insuring that your reps are on track to meet their numbers for the month? And what are your thoughts on cold calling introductions?

Before I give a detailed recap of everything, I’d like to highlight a blog by Ardath Albee B2B Marketing Strategist. Here she had a great entry asking "Is Sales Stepping on Your Marketing Dialogue?" It really touched on the importance of communication between Marketing and Sales, and the importance of having them work together as a team.

Monday July 19th 

The Benefits Of Hiring An Inexperienced Sales Rep – Chris Lang offers his take on the benefits of hiring someone with a clean slate:

“Our sales process is a bit unique and more than a couple of reps have come to us thinking they were going to crush their number only to leave with their tail tucked between their legs. As these inexperienced new hires grow into their roles, I am always pleasantly surprised with how fast they pick things up.”

Tuesday July 20th

Are You Giving Your Inside Sales Reps A Good Quality List? – Craig Ferrara discusses the importance of having a quality list for your reps:

“If you are dumping a list of marketing leads on the inside sales team that is filled with incomplete contact information, or is chock full of duplicates, then you are you putting them at an automatic disadvantage before they even pick up the phone. Have you taken into consideration how much that can negatively affect the progress of your campaigns or the growth of your pipeline?”

Wednesday July 21st

Mid Month Inside Sales Diagnostic Check-up – Pete offers some great tips to make sure your team is on track to have a great month:

“We don't just look how they've done, but we all look at whether or not they have what they need to finish strong for the last 2 weeks of the month."

Thursday July 22nd

The “Introduction Debates” of Cold Calling – Laney Pilpel talks about the repeated debates of Cold Calling Introductions, and offers some great suggestions:

“Over the past several years, I have spent a lot of my time studying different selling techniques, from Sandler to the SPIN selling model. Personally, I think the best method to use is a combination of all the selling methods out there – but most importantly, making sure to add a personal touch to your communication with a prospect, especially during your introduction.  In thinking about this, I was reminded of a constant debate that goes on here at AG, but also for many sales organizations out there: Is there a proper way to engage a prospect when contacting them and how personal can you get?”

Friday July 23rd

Are Your Inside Sales Reps Good Detectives? – A new guest in our blog this week, Stephen Wolff discusses the importance of getting as much information as you can out of a prospect.

“I think of my job as a detective.  When I call I try to use every minute that I am on the phone with someone to get as much out of the call as possible.  This can be tough with time constraints, meetings and people who just really do not want to talk to people taking up their time with sales calls."

That wraps it up! We wish everyone a happy and safe weekend!


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