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4 Tips for Inside Sales Reps to Get Better Results this Summer


Everyone believes it can be tougher to get people live during the summer months, especially around the holidays. We are in the mindset that most of the executives we are looking to speak with are off at the spa or riding around on their jet-skis…but I would argue that times have changed, and this may be the best time to reach them. With tougher economic times, people are trimming down their vacation time, additionally; they may be using this quieter time to catch up on those miscellaneous projects.

The problem is we allow ourselves to assume they are not going to pick up their phone and as a result our productivity suffers. We can't allow ourselves to lean on this as an excuse, as this may actually be the ideal time to track down that busy executive.  Therefore, this time of year we should all have our action plan in place to make sure we take advantage of this opportunity.

Here are some suggestions to keep in mind during the summer vacation months:

1. Remove The Negative Mind-Set!

If you assume you're not going to get someone live, you most likely won't. It's not like they're taking the next 2 months off (unless you're calling Western Europe). Check with their admin to make sure they are in the office. Until you are specifically told they are out of town, then keep knocking on that door.

2. Be Smart With Your Activity

Never leave message or send an email to someone on vacation - It's simply a waste of time. Any cold call or cold email will be put to the bottom of the list of priorities if they are coming back to a pile of other messages and emails. If you must reach to them then I would suggest sending just an email with a simple subject line like "Quick Phone Call" and then ask when they would have 5 minutes free to speak with they are back in the office.

3. Find Alternate Contacts

This may seem to be an obvious statement since we should be doing it at all times while we prospect, but it is even more important in this case because your prospects are that much more difficult to reach. Also, by gathering information as you navigate through the organization, you will have a much healthier discussion with your target contact when you get them live. At that point you will have a solid understanding of what competing technology/service they have in place along with any pains they may be experiencing which will allow you to know where to steer the conversation. Plus you could stumble on another contact would could be involved in the decision as well.

4. Leverage Out of Office Replies

Most of the typical out office kick backs will give you other individuals within the organization to contact in their absence or in case of you have your alternate contact to reach out to.

Making your cold calls any time of year requires a methodical approach. Now that summer is upon us don't let yourself deviate too much from the game plan. Keep your head down and task yourself and the team with putting a little creativity into their dials incorporating some of the tips above. At the very least it can help to keep things fresh.


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